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Everything posted by wolfgangarnold

  1. wolfgangarnold


    the photo pretty well conveys this sudden realization that even I am a slave to merciless time... (on a lighter note: that's why I avoid mirrors... ) @Carlos: I trust your wisdom :-)
  2. wolfgangarnold


    © Copyright 2016 Wolfgang Arnold - CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

  3. wolfgangarnold


    © Copyright 2016 Wolfgang Arnold - CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

  4. wolfgangarnold


    © Copyright 2016 Wolfgang Arnold - CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

  5. wolfgangarnold


    I like the whole series - this is a great - almost literal - opening to the following photos.
  6. wolfgangarnold


    Awesome - fully agree to Jack!
  7. "love in a photograph" - my immediate reaction was: this title just suits. There's a solemn sympathy and respect to the portrayed man which can only be "photographed" - not painted, not written, not sculptured.
  8. Musicians concentrated on the interaction with their instruments and immersed in their performance are a beautiful subject. In this portrait I like warm hues and how his face, hand and the instrument glow in the darkness.
  9. wolfgangarnold

    TV tower

    Very well "arranged" - the juxtaposition of TV tower and camera (at least the device very much looks like a camera) is really well composed.
  10. wolfgangarnold


    many thanks for stopping by and commenting both this photo and my portfolio - I highly appreciate your feedback!
  11. wolfgangarnold


    great to see you're expanding your photography. I'd like to echo Donna's comment "it's interesting and real". "Real", because the scene appears casual (even if it was posed) and there's no retouching and no make-up. "interesting" because she's half a silhouette and we can't see her eyes. Looking forward to seeing more portraits!
  12. agree to Jack - it's a welcome surprise to see your street photos in color - and to see that it can work really well. To add to the red jacket: I like how it contrasts to the green/teal steel and how the yellow sign matches with the lady's scarf. Just to avoid the impression we're seeing only color now: There are also many other non-color elements which make this a great photo :-)
  13. your comment to stephanie's photo caught my attention. Now, I'm already some time around on PN but for some strange reason never came across your remarkable portfolio... Jim's comment is suggesting that the title is better than the photo. I may respectfully disagree: the title is very apposite - especially for photos like in this folder - yet, I think the photo is at least on par with the title: the juxtapositioning of the screen (mounted to the pole so that it almost seems like some android) and the moving child is pretty strong. The backdrop adds to the technical atmosphere to which the child is a strong contrast. On a technical note, I can't imagine a better timing: position of the running child is just right and the resting foot works as an anchor connecting it with the photo (otherwise the blurred figure might have been too elusive).
  14. wolfgangarnold


    it has rhythm, depth and dynamic. Yet, what hooks to this photo is the fact that movement is obviously caused by someone outside the frame - it's a mystery that evokes interpretations like Ricardo's.
  15. an amazing piece of art - or "natural wonder" like gail put it.
  16. Didn't all life emerge from some primordial soup? (Well, they didn't have these cool t-shirts back then...)
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