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Image Comments posted by vs1

    ego in bw


    This is fantastic low key self. At least I persume it is.

    Fantastic light and sparkles in the eyes. Remarkable and worth to be seen more often as it was until now. Cheers, VS

    Singing Citrakar

    without info you gave photo wouldn't have a message as it is now. Defenitely fantastic documentary photo. Beside th original story photo itself is very different. With all that colours and patterns a woman is hardly to recognize. But she's a main part of the photo. And even more, the way you captured her (re proportions) is fantastic. Congrats, VS

    "Autumn Senses"




    I'd say photo has THE thouch with the nature. Even though the frame doesn't help (too thick) a subject and BG give an observer a pleasant view. Congrats for this one, VS

    aurora2010 XXXI

    Very impressive. Taking photos od auroraB has to be an experience one want to feel. I', amazed with size of aurora vs. earth. I'm not sure re FG. Probably could be less of it and more of the village/town on the left side. Otherwise I'm just cheering. All the best, VS

    going fishing

    I'm impreesed. the title and the story are great. Footsteps give additional point to the photo. Pattern of the dunes is surprising and I really like the comp. All the best, VS
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