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Posts posted by pat_krentz

  1. The bi-post contacts are for triggering the old bulbs, you might

    contact Bill Cameta and see if he has the old flash guns and

    reflectors. If you want negs get Polaroid P/N 55, if not get 52, but

    film is cheaper (Arista 125/400) from Freestyle Sales in L.A., about

    $40 per hundred and look around for another lens with a pc flash

    sync.It might be a good idea for you to find someone who is willing

    to teach you film developement basics, it will save you a lot of time

    and trouble. There is nothing easy about film developement, if it was

    there would not be so many posts here about how to do it. Pat

  2. Invest a little time in research of developers or find someone's

    who's work you respect who uses the film you want to use and then

    pick their brain about the developer they use and how. You will spend

    one to two years (depending on time invested) learning the use the

    developer of your choice with all the varitions that are possible. I

    have my favorites, SD-1 Pryo, PMK Pyro, and Weston's ABC Pyro. Good

    Luck with your research. Pat

  3. I don't know what your definition of "neat stuff" is, but get hold of

    Ansel's books, he use a lot of ortho film, I have used it myself and

    liked it. It is not red sensitive which makes foliage light in prints

    and makes for flat skys. The one thing I really liked about it was

    that I could develope by inspection under a 7w red safelight or a 15w

    up higher. You might want to try using PMK Pyro as a developer and

    you could use Gordon Hutchins starting times for Tri-X. Pat

  4. The Speed Grafic and the Graphflex are two different camera's, and

    while I have never owned a Graphflex, I do have a Speed Graphic and a

    23 holder and a 22 holder both of which fit correctly when the

    groundglass back is remove and locked into position with the sliding

    locks. Maybe someone out there has a Graphflex and could measure the

    back for you. Pat

  5. I agree with Ellis, Hurrell's photo's were more than pretty faces &

    clothes, though that helped alot. You should go back and study his

    techniques of posing and lighting and don't forget the makeup.

    Remember that his were "Glamour" shots, not just someone in period

    clothes. I did like the first lady in Portraits 1 (top left) looking

    at the screen. Pat

  6. You could try using an albumen coating as a base for the light

    emulsion, it is much easier to coat with and a lot less trouble than

    other coatings. Check the Albumen & Salted Paper book, also the

    Keepers of Light book. If you can't find them contact me and I will

    look it up for you, which will include a receipt for custard (give

    you something to do with the yokes) Hope you have time and patience.


  7. To my knowledge DOF is determined by focal length, lens stop, the

    distance from the lens to the point focused on and the size of the

    circle of confusion, and the depth is greater with shorter focal

    lenght lens than a longer one. Shutter speed has nothing to do with

    DOF. This is according to Vol.1 of the Navy traing manuel 1944 Ed. Pat

  8. I use a 75w Plant Gro bulb (ultra violet) in a 11 inch brushed

    alumniun reflector and the paper under a 11x14 sheet of 1/4 inch

    plate glass to contact print on Azo and develope in Pechham's Amidol

    which will keep for 2 weeks in a sealed container. I adjust my

    exposure so that I can develope for 5:00 with contineous brush

    agitation, there is a depth to the prints that cannot be achieved

    with just 2-3 minutes of development. Pat

  9. I don't know about 45 techpan in Rodinal, since I use PMK or SD-1,

    but a few years back when I use to do a lot of 35mm I used Rodinal

    1:150 and it was very good I don't rememer the times though. I would

    start at 10:00 and adjust from there. Pat

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