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Posts posted by pat_krentz

  1. The Crown or Speed(better) graphic should cover your needs quite well

    and they are relativly cheap compared to other 45's used or new. The

    thing I like about the Speed Graphic is having the shutter curtain

    built into the camera, just be sure it works at the indicated speeds,

    and you can use barrell lenses, also cheaper than lens in shutter. Pat

  2. 1.No cracks, no fogging or fungus, do the speeds sound about right,

    does the shutter stick, try it at all speeds and apetures at least 3

    times each. 2. Find a naked tree and focusing at infinity take

    several shots, after development, check the neg under a loupe, are

    limbs sharp? If not return it. Pat

  3. Another solution is to buy a small clean air system (abt.15-20 bucks)

    for a unit that will clean a 15x15 room. Just turn it on about 1/2

    hour before loading your holders, or the shower route is very good

    also. Pat

  4. If you have already established a PIE (perosnal exposure index) for

    you film and equipment, I would suggest that you take the filters you

    mentioned and make a couple of exposures with them to see what

    happens. Make exposures with each one, one allowing for filter factor

    and another with NO filter factor and then develope normal and print

    to see what the difference is, you can learn alot about filters and

    how they do with your own equipment by doing this or you can use

    other peoples figures and bounce around for a long time before you

    get what your after. The other thing that is essential for good

    printing is a Zone VIII print test. Regards, Pat

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