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Image Comments posted by lchartier


    Steve so funny, I was thinking simular thoughts but maybe with a horse? I love the shape of the trunk and how its poiting towards you. Great take on the title... especially with your week!
  1. The staircase drawing our eye through the photograph, the curves of the rocks echoed by the railings and the beautiful B&W work make this photograph stunning. I would love to be there and experience what it would be like to live in this enviroment. Thank you for sharing.


    Beautiful image! It is easy to get lost in the moment when trying to get just the right shot. I am glad you came to your senses and got out of there when you did. This shot is great. I love the wave coming in the distance and the way the old peirs look like sets of legs waiting in a line.. a very interesting image.



    What great timing for natures lighting. Its perfect. I love how each of the stems are highlighted against the background.


    Terrific idea, completely satifies the title.



    lego STRONG


    This is absolutely priceless!!! Micki you are definately someone I would love to know more about.


    So clever! and well done. The focus is perfect. I love the blade of grass in the foreground with him peeking over it. This is Fabulous!



    This is an extreamly touching image Leanna, as I am sure you are well aware. Our children are so good at giving us the strength to do anything.


    On the technical side you have done a great job. I am one of those people that love B&W's, have you tried it that way?


  2. Julius, this is a fantastic take on the title. I can't think of anything stronger than a knowledgeable mind. The intentional haphazard placement of the books is wonderful and their colours work wonderfully together. And of course technically terrific as well. :)


    Why thank you Micki... that means so much because I think I am the absolutely newest person to photography and to PS, so to have someone say I gave them the incentive is an absolute complement. Thank you.


    Beautiful image. I like the way the fence divides the different type/colours of grass. I'm glad you finally stopped to take the picture.



    Micki: I am currently using a Kodak Z612 so it is a P&S but has tons of manual settings that allow me to practice and get ready for my eventual SLR.


    Dennis: another voice added to the tree dispute :) Thanks for your opinion


    Welcome Micki!! I love this shot. I love the strenght it shows... the wall you may want to put up but don't. You are so honest and open in your comments, I look forward very much to having you a part of our group.



    Fred, Jan & Ger: I love the battle over the tree. That tree was a huge annoyance of mine as I was adjusting this shot. It was actually a lot taller with just this skinny branch sticking straight up and wrecked it my skyline so I took it out. But I do like the bottom of it in the shot, adds a bit of dimension and brings me back to the foreground. Thanks to each of you for your opinion.


    Anthony: I would LOVE to get the filters you are talking about but first I need to get a big girl camera. I am so new to this its silly but as soon as I can I will invest some moola into this great art. Thanks for you advice, I may come asking for more when its time to buy.


    Julius: The grain is I guess semi intentional. You see I am not a technical photographer yet. I just take the shots that grab me and when I am adjusting them later, I do it all by feel, until it is something that just looks right to me. I look forward to the day when I know the technical aspects of photography. Thanks


    Micki: Thanks, and I agree, originally I did this in just the B&W and I liked that too, but as I started to play with the image more and going with the title I really liked how this version made you feel like you were welcome there. As though the bench was waiting for you to sit and enjoy the view.



    Welcome to the "Warriors" Dennis. I love this shot, makes me feel that calm before the storm, when everything is still and warm and your just waiting for the sky to burst open. I am a little distracted though by the thing in the field, you have to tell, what is it?



    Ger: your technical know how never ceases to amaze me. Thank you for your suggestions as always and just as soon as I understand them I will be sure to go for it.


    Steve: Thank you, your comments always make me smile, sorta all warm and fuzzy inside :P

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