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Posts posted by winn

  1. This fall/winter some Canon items were on sale including the 580EX flash and

    the 70-200mm f/2.8 IS lens. I was able to purchase the flash but did not have

    the cash for the 70-200 lens. Now I have the cash, but the lens is now full

    price ($1700 vs $1469). I thought I read here that Canon has price breaks twice

    a year - is this true? If so, does anyone know the odds of the 70-200 f2.8 IS

    being one of the discounted items? Thanks....

  2. When I did design work as an engineer, art was the last thing on my mind when I was working. I was designing a solution to a problem that involved functionality, manufacturability, efficiency, durability and on and on. When I would complete a design (sometimes months of work), many times I would sit back and realize "this is a work of art". Now maybe it was a work of art that only an engineer could appreciate, but it was a work of art none the less.


    So, if I am comfortable with the technical aspects and as Ellis stated "just strive to make photos that clearly express... [my]emotional intent and [my] understanding of importance of the moments in [my] family's lives", then the art, if it is there, will naturally fall into place.

  3. In a previous post, I stated something to the effect that my justification for

    purchasing a DSLR system was to record my family's history, not to create art.

    My needs are to become a technically competent photographer. Certainly some

    moments I am overloaded with just the technical aspects of capturing the shot,

    i.e. sporting events. (Yes, I do consider many SI shots art.) On the other end

    of the spectrum, there are events that give me more time to plan the shot, i.e.

    prom pictures, Senior Portraits, etc. (Just for the record, I will be using a

    professional photographer for the Senior Portraits along with my personal




    Excluded from this discussion are my hobbyist endeavors at art such as flower

    macros, landscapes, birds shots....



    My questions: How much "inadvertant" art are in photos, such as family shots,

    where a person just trying to get the technical aspects exposure, framing and

    lighting right? Should I try to look at recording my family history as an

    artist, instead of a technician?

  4. Thanks for the link Greg. I guess I misremembered, I didn't see anything listed for IS. I was trying to compare photos taken using a tripod of the Moon to see if the IS made a difference (I think it helps - I think I get some vibrations from the ground). Unfortunately, I jumped back and forth randomly, without noting which pictures had it on. Thanks again...
  5. Update: I ordered the 24-70 lens (waiting patiently for UPS). For me personally, the extra length and being able upgrade to a full sensor body in the future outweighs the wider end of the 17-55 and the IS. Although I want this for both indoor family shots and covering indoor sports, the bigger justification (for me) is for covering sports than the family shots. I do have IS on the 70-300 lens and love it, but IS is not as critical on the mid-range zooms - I'll save the IS for the 70-200mm/f2.8IS :-). Thanks for all the input; I do think I would have been pleased with either lens.
  6. FIRST - Thanks for all of the responses. You've helped me better understand the differences.


    SECOND - I did not word the following very well: "The 24-70/f2.8 ...(will match up to my 70-300 and will compliment my 85mm for sports)" I meant to say that the 24-70 will match up to my 85mm for indoor sports better (and will also match up to the 70-300 for general use). So my loss would be 55 to 85mm for the indoor shots.


    Where I stand now. I do know that at times, when shooting indoor sports, the 50mm (which is slow focusing) has been a little short and the 85mm has been a little long - so I think the 70mm will serve me well in this case. I am going to review the family shots I've taken with the 18-55 kit lens and see how many of those were taken wider than 24mm. (I do have the 580EX flash, but it is not always convenient and it is certainly not inconspicuous for candid family shots.) Thanks again...

  7. Yes, another post regarding these two lenses.I am currently trying to decide

    between these two lenses. I have an XTi (small frame sensor), the 18-55 kit

    lens, 70-300mm IS, the 50mm/f1.8, and the 85mm/f1.8 lenses. I want this lens

    for shooting family functions including indoor shots, and indoor school sports.

    After doing some research here and elswhere, I've come up with the following

    advantages and disadvantages (as they pertain to me).


    The 24-70/f2.8 will cover the range I want better (will match up to my 70-300

    and will compliment my 85mm for sports), will have better IQ (probably not

    noticeable for me), will be more sturdy and better sealed, and will be my first

    L lens. However, it will be more lens than I need for the XTi sensor, will be

    larger and heavier, and will not have IS.


    The 17-55/f2.8 IS will match my sensor, will be lighter and smaller, will have

    excellent IQ, and will have IS (a great help for indoor family shots and may be

    some help at the indoor sporting activities). However, there has been a lot of

    complaints about dust with the 17-55 and it will not work on a full frame

    sensor (a whole another issue, I do not have any plans on changing to a full

    frame camera, but it is not out of the question).


    Did I miss anything? Does anyone have any other thoughts?...or should I go

    ahead and flip the coin?

  8. Do you carry the 5D for her now? If you are travelling, will she be better suited with the lighter camera when she has to carry it the whole time herself? Also, she may become comfortable enough manipulating the controls on the XTi to feel more confident with the 5D. Since you already have a more vesitile camera to share, she may be better off with the new XTi. Just some thoughts. (I own the XTi and am not familiar with the 30D.)
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