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Image Comments posted by lacrewe

    Swan Lake

    This almost has a haunting feeling to it with the dead trees, black swans and smoke in the background...it really made me stop and think.

    Out in the Storm

    This is my favourite...I will be back to rate it 7/7. The textures really add to the storm atmosphere, almost giving it a haunting feeling. I also think the lights really make it a unique landscape photo...adding the human element.


    Great photo, Anette! Your signature tones and textures are wonderful and I like the concept. Just a thought ...I wonder if a square format would work to take out some of the grass in the foreground(?)

    The Ternary - 2

    The placement of the man to the right, although a small change from your previous post, creates a composition with better flow. The tones and textures are excellent, as always. Cheers, Lori


    Luisa, this is really well done. It's not my favourite theme, but I can really appreciate the PS work that went into this. The tones and blending are great. I wonder if a title would help the viewer understand what this is about...just a thought.


    This is beautiful, Manuel. I love the angle, tones and lighting. I think the pads in the front really create interest and lead the viewer's eye into the centre of the photo. A 7 for aesthetics, for sure!

    Line Astern

    This is just beautiful, as are all your landscape photos. Such technical skill! I just love the swans all in a row...great composition, colour and clarity. (Deserves much higher ratings, for sure! I will be back)


    That is very strange. I think there is a forum question that was posted just recently regarding this phenomenon...something about "house cleaning" by the moderators. Anyway...cheers to you, my friend Costas. Lori
  1. The vivid colours really make this photo stand out. There is a whimsical feel to this image, with the butterflies and pose of the model. I would like to see it larger...I think it would have more impact. Cheers, Lori
  2. I becoming quite a fan of your work! This is very beautiful...the lines of the plant and the blue Lighting from (I assume) the sky behind the glass really create a wonderful frame for the eye to follow. I suppose my only complaint would be that the upper stem of the plant ends abruptly, but I'm not sure if including more would detract from the overall impression(?)...just a thought. Cheers, Lori
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