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Image Comments posted by marleft

    MAGAR-FEB. 2009.


    Excellent portrait Dimitri


    Especially when reviewing it larger. This is one of the most difficult ways of making portraits, because Magar is looking directly to the lens, his face is completely flat, and no back or side, strong lighting is used, to give some 3D sense to the composition. Nevertheless, as his eyes transfer a strong penetrating and very clear look to the viewer, this portrait goes far behind the imaging of a face and reveals a great back story of Magar's life..


    Great portrait Dimitri !


    Regards, Marios

    Rays of Hope


    Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year my friend ! I am also 70+ and I am praying for peace on the world. Let's have many "Rays of Hope" and wait for the change of human souls to the better..



  1. Dimitri, if you mean "An archaeological adventure in Cyprus", you have already mentioned it to me. You have also mentioned a documentary film shot by the Mediterranean Museum in Stockholm. It should be very interesting to watch it on You Tube.



    Dimitri, being absent for some days, I now see that you started your restoration work of your old family photos. You are very successful and I think that, as I proposed to you some days ago, you could, perhaps, start a web page exposing all the old photo material you have. It should be very interesting.


    Warm regards



  2. Tony, the black background heightens and drives the viewer's attention to the foreground, so it is O.K. with it. I use it myself very often, or I am driving completely out of focus the background, for the same reason. If your downraters have problem with it, it is very simple to give their names and express their ideas to you. It should be marvelous to do so and very very acceptable. So until then, don't try to explain their ratings.


    A very tasty composition, suitable for these Christmas days ! For me this photo deserves 6/6 rating.


    Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2009 !

  3. Great restoration Dimitri ! It has fun this kind of work and I like it. You see these days you can do everything you want with digital techniques and PhotoShop..


    I wish to you and your family Dimitri, merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year 2009 !



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