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Image Comments posted by dallalb



    ...Very beautiful and compositionally perfect! It's only a pity the most part of valley is in the shadow... I think you should try to convert it in B&W: it seems a very suitable image!

    Happy New Year, Alberto.

    Ship's Prow


    Essenziale, ma molto ben composta questa fotografia! Ti consiglierei solo di raddrizzarla un po', perchè il primo palo sulla sinistra appare inclinato rispetto al bordo della cornice... Lo so, è una pignoleria, ma la foto ne guadagnerà sicuramente!

    Inoltre, mi chiedo se convertendo la foto in B&W si ottenga qualcosa di ancora più minimale ed interessante....

    Un saluto, Alberto.

  1. Thank you all for your comments and appreciation. It was a cold and foggy winter morning... I didn't believe it was the right time to take good shots... Then I found this scene and I think it was worth the session!


    The Golden Road


    Una foto davvero splendida, sia nella composizione che nel colore! La luce dorata del sole in contrasto con il bianco freddo della neve è l'elemento che rende vincente questo scatto.

    Congratulazioni: la foto che avrei voluto scattare!

    Un saluto, Alberto.



    I like this peaceful image with its softness and tones.

    I'm just not sure about the tones of the trees in the foreground... They seem too much disjoined from the tones of the background... Is this image a blend of two exposures? Maybe you could try to darken the foreground trees until they turn to solid black... Just an experiment, I'm not sure of the result! What do you think about?

    Regards, Alberto.

    Around the Corner


    I think this is an excellent image, with beautiful details and colors.

    I would thank you for providing us the technical details behind your photos: a great source of learning and inspiration! I'm very delighted by your photographic skills, the way you use your tools to build your vision. It doesn't matter if the result is near or far to the reality: photography is a art and it's a reproduction of the reality. Besides, an absolute reality doesn't exist: we can call it "common sense" but from the moment the reality is perceived with human senses, it is something subjective. Your photographic equipment is a mean to express your concept of reality and I enjoy your "vision" very much!

    Kind regards, Alberto.

    The Contortionist


    I think you got a superb result with this experiment! I can only confirm the comments above and add my "I like it" to this wonderful photo.

    I'm just curious to know what is that (exagonal?) halo in the lower border of the frame...

    Regards, Alberto.

    The Hermitage


    A stunning image in all aspects.

    Did you take a single exposure with filters or blend different exposures? And what is that uniform area at the bottom of the tree?

    Congratulation for your fine art, Alberto.

    Red Planet


    The scene and the composition are something special: unbelievable the gray tracks on the foreground rocks that lead the viewer inside the image!

    I just find the lower right part and the middle left part of the image a bit too dark...

    Regards, Alberto.

    Forest Fire


    ...Not a new technique, but a stunning result! Very evocative and the title suits perfectly: I have the impression of a burning forest...

    Regards, Alberto.

    One Time


    You are exploring new photographic world, but your talent is always there!

    I like this work very much: it's like an abstract painting with a 3D dinamism...

    Regards, Alberto.

  2. I think the effort was worth to. This is a more appealing image with a better balance between ground and sky: I think you could darken the ground a little bit more to get a more natural look.


    The Mountain Sea


    Marc, I think this is a superb image: the foreground rocks lauch the viewer into the scene and the colors really add drama and contrast to the landscape and underline the difficult shooting situation you met. Only the water, because of the long exposure, adds a bit of calm to this dramatic scene. Really a professional work!

    Just a curiosity: what do you mean by "The trip cost me both my 1Ds III AND my backup 5D II"? Did you refer to the cost of the trip or did you damage your equipment? Your sentence sounds a bit ambiguous...

    Regards, Alberto.

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