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Posts posted by JRCrowe

  1. Glenn's treatment is close to what the camera actually saw, but in person it was very red. As you know the camera sees colors very differently than the human eye. That loss of separation between water and mountain was due to lifting the shadows so much. My posted treatment is only one of five different ones I have done of this photo. Its a fun one to experiment with. Here is a link to the same sunset by a different photographer.
  2. IMG_0035-2.thumb.jpg.fa739b548cb4ea9c8599789fa6002864.jpg Here is one of my final versions. The big problem I had was that the camera (5D MKII) saw more orange when to the eye everything was red. I used the color adjustments in Lightroom and in the orange channel moved the hue slider to the left and reduces saturation, luminance. White balance set to 4380. shadows +100 whites +40. I had the RAW file to work with though and that makes a difference. The vignette was lens related a Sigma 24-70 2.8 older version.
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  3. IMG_0035.thumb.jpg.6f6f0df6edee68b28e3cbd1847927a18.jpg I will post something for this weeks challenge if nobody minds. This was Santa Monica beach July 18th 2012 with the remnants of a hurricane flowing over Southern California. This is from the unprocessed raw file which isn't even close to what it felt like to be there. Everyone along the beach stopped what they were doing because we all knew we would never see anything like this again in our lives. It has been frustrating to try and get the actual feeling in the photo that was there that day. It was like being wrapped in a warm red blanket. I will post my version in a day or two. You will think I overdid the processing and that would not be true.
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  4. This is the additional weekly image thread for the Nature Forum. While images posted to this thread should still be nature in theme, it may contain a small amount of human-made objects and therefore less restricted than the Monday in Nature threads. Please see this discussion for more details: Alternative weekly thread in Nature forum


    Each participant please post no more than just one image per weekly thread.


    I recently drove from Northern California to Southern California on Interstate 5 and it was a day of clouds of many different types.



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  5. Basic Guidelines: In the strictest sense, nature photography should not include "hand of man elements". Please refrain from images with buildings or human made structures like roads, fences, walls. Pets are not permitted. Captive subjects in zoos, arboretums, or aquariums are permitted, but must be declared, and must focus on the subject, not the captivity. Images with obvious human made elements will likely be deleted from the thread, with an explanation to the photographer. Guidelines are based on PSA rules governing Nature photography which also cover the Nature Forum. Keep your image at/under 1000 pixels on the long axis for in-line viewing. Note that this includes photos hosted off-site at Flicker, Photobucket, your own site, etc.


    Each member post one image to this weekly forum


    Summit Meadow Yosemite National Park



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  6. Basic Guidelines: In the strictest sense, nature photography should not include "hand of man elements". Please refrain from images with buildings or human made structures like roads, fences, walls. Pets are not permitted. Captive subjects in zoos, arboretums, or aquariums are permitted, but must be declared, and must focus on the subject, not the captivity. Images with obvious human made elements will likely be deleted from the thread, with an explanation to the photographer. Guidelines are based on PSA rules governing Nature photography which also cover the Nature Forum. Keep your image at/under 1000 pixels on the long axis for in-line viewing. Note that this includes photos hosted off-site at Flicker, Photobucket, your own site, etc.


    Each member please post no more than just one image to this weekly thread per week.


    I have been trying unsuccessfully to identify this plant. It grows in the rows of almond orchards here in California and is treated like a weed. It seems to be important to the local honeybees though as it flowers early and continuously for many months. The blossoms are about 10mm across. Having no luck with online resources.


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  7. This is the additional weekly image thread for the Nature Forum. While images posted to this thread should still be nature in theme, it may contain a small amount of human-made objects and therefore less restricted than the Monday in Nature threads. Please see this discussion for more details: Alternative weekly thread in Nature forum


    Each participant please post no more than just one image per weekly thread.


    May the fourth be with you.

    This guy was rushing past me on my driveway to get to his daytime resting place, but when he saw the camera he turned and posed for a portrait and then went on his way.


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  8. In Lightroom +Clarity, Dehaze, Vibrance, Saturation. In photoshop created new blank document, outlined crude fin outline using polygonal lasso tool, filled with blue gray color, used blending mode emboss to give 3d look, dragged fin image onto Michaels and used a layer mask to eliminate background around fin, flattened image and used clone tool to smooth edges of fin. Played Jaws soundtrack while doing all this.


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  9. This is the additional weekly image thread for the Nature Forum. While images posted to this thread should still be nature in theme, it may contain a small amount of human-made objects and therefore less restricted than the Monday in Nature threads. Please see this discussion for more details: Alternative weekly thread in Nature forum


    Each participant please post no more than just one image per weekly thread.

    Car versus bird unfortunately.


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