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Posts posted by matt_ruffino

  1. Im getting ready to use this body for class, and when I was testing it I

    realized that 90% of the time when I press the DOF preview button it stops the

    lens down and flips the mirror up. Is there any way for me to fix this? I bought

    it last year but would sony still accept the KM warranty?

  2. Im considering buying one to use with a Helios 44m so i can use it as a prime.

    Do any of the adapters have any provisions for the little stop-down pin on the

    back? Do any of them have problems focusing to infinity?

  3. I did, I went to a student exhibition yesterday and asked a department head. I don't remeber exactly what he said but he wanted to see "people" which stuck in my head, cause I am terrible at portraits. I better get crackin this summer.


    I also sent an email to another school today, hopefully Ill get a response tommorrow.




    Would it really be that bad if I did? I mean, its more work scanning slides and touching them up in PS than just doing everything completely digital. Hopefully they can understand that. The good thing is that I don't go off to college for another year, so I have some time

  4. Heres, the problem. I'm thinking about going to art school to major in

    photography, and I'm in the process of setting up my portfolio. I've come to

    realize that schools only want to see film you developed and printed or digital

    work. The problem is that for the past few months I've been shooting in color

    slide and negative film, as I'm too cheap to buy a DSLR. I do have plenty of B/W

    work, and I do have experience developing and printing, But I don't have a lot

    of time at school to use the darkroom. Do you think its a problem to use some of

    my color film work? or should I save up to get a digital slr and use that from

    now on?

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