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Image Comments posted by william_griffin1

    Barn Redux

    Hi Byron This is a great shot of this old guy. I have a soft spot for barns as I have over 100 in my archive, including one that has the similar shape as yours. If you get a chance got into my archive and look at a pic I call storm. The reason being it has the same shape as yours, and you don't see that many barns with this shape. Anyway I think you did a great job here , keep up the good work. BILL

    A City Wakes Up


    Shooting old barns and the ever changing faces of the Ohio River are

    my two fav subjects to shoot. Here the morning sun slowly burns off

    the early fog. Until the sun completely burns away the fog you can

    get some interesting shots, almost surreal looking pics.

    End Of The Day


    I submitted this pic before didn't reaaly like it, started messing

    around in paintshop pro , drank a couple of glasses of wine and

    decieded it would look better as a painted look. Drank a couple more

    and this is what I wound up with, you should never drink and edit ,

    you will be sorry in the morning.

  1. On one of the most foggy mornings I have ever seen in Cincinnati area

    I took this pic. This is the Suspension Bridge which was a prototype

    for the Brooklyn Bridge in N.Y., it was built about 2 years before by

    the same builder. It is one of those landmarks that look good in alot

    of different types of pics from fireworks to snowstorms.


    The old saying picture perfect is dead on what this pic is, picture perfect.I don't know whay you could have done to make it any better, great work, keep it up. BILL

    Mixed Emotions


    I took this as my daughter got ready for her wedding. I don't think I

    have ever felt so happy and sad at the same time in my life, glad I

    don't have to go thru it again.

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