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Image Comments posted by matman1975



    Very compelling image....the flowing water allowing the rocks in the bottom to be clearly seen, the colorful leaves, even the angle of view, create a very pleasing to the eye result. Well done Ciprian, beautiful shot.



    Hi Ian...Nice, creamy background, good color tones! The lower left part of your frame doesn't help a lot, being out of focus and maybe a bit overexposed. The overall impression is very good, well done! 

    Morning Grizzly


    The direct flash you used, literally ruined a shot with great potential. Using a flash which is placed in the same axis with our lens, is a big mistake, cause every animal's eye reflects the flash light back, which means that our subject's eyes are completely washed out. That's why there are suitable flash brackets which put the flash gun either to the side or in front of the camera, so that we can avoid this problem. Other than that, you composed the image very good, and the color variety is also nice....

    tamed cheeter !


    Hi John...this is a snapshot from the daily activities of Australia Zoo staff, and in fact a good one, which can easily be published in a brochure or book regarding conservation- rescue animal facilities. I like the way it is composed (emphasizing the cheetah's eyes and not the present human)....I can though neither consider it a as a pure nature shot, nor "judge" it aesthetically...

    Lunch Time


    I like the nice, family moment you captured and the color variety.Technically though there are a few things that should have been done better. According to your EXIF file, your shutter speed is way too slow for these kind of shots. Even the slightest move of the mother's hand seems blurry. You could raise the ISO from 200 to (lets say) 640 and have this way a decent shutter speed to work! You also cropped the shot too tight, but I guess that this can be fixed very easily. I rated your shot with a 6....not because it deserves it technically but because for me wildlife photography means above all the capture of the decisive "moment" which speaks and tells a story about the subject's life and personality. Regards from Greece. Teo



    Hi Ramesh...too many elements in this shot reveal "human facilities" a fact that immediately reduces the overall impact of your photo. Other than that, when you take animal photos try to avoid common scenes (a deer grazing is not an unusual sight at all). Remember, originality is the key which leads to successful wildlife photography. Regards from Greece, Teo



    Lovely colors, light and composition! The purple flowers in the foreground add aesthetically as well. Well done, very compelling shot!



    I like the DOF here and the sense of place your image gives. Colors look a bit over-saturated. I would slightly crop the lower empty grass part of the frame and also crop it just a bit in the upper part. If you notice the edges of the right corner you will see that the  straight "line" of pine trees is interrupted, creating a sense of unbalance. The overall result is good...you've got a 5 by me! Regards from Greece

    The Sleeping Fox


    This shot is the typical example of how useful fill in flash can be in wildlife photography. Very tricky situation...an animal in the shades with very little light available and the exposure meter being "fooled" by the overall (outside of the frame) light condition. The use of spot metering is critical here and a powerful fill in flash absolutely necessary! This image is clearly underexposed....and I would also add that you should wait a bit more till the fox (eventually) turned it's head and look straight at your lens. Regards from Greece, Teo 



    Hi Debra, nice sided, warm light...but passport-like capture! No activity, no emotion display, no "personality" exposed....these are the key elements which transform record wildlife images to compelling ones. Regards from Greece, Teo 



    I like the original image more...:-).....cause the green and yellow colors of the leaves in the upper left and right corner of the image create good color contrast with the red impala. I also like the vertical framing, although I would wait a bit more till my subject raises it's head so that I can capture a nice portrait shot. That is to me the biggest flaw in this image....the fact that you have chosen to capture a rather dull, boring kind of animal activity, commonly seen. Always remember that the most critical element in wildlife photography is originality! Regards from Greece, Teo



    Quite chaotic and distractive image. Everything is in focus (foreground, background) and two of the buffalo almost totally hidden by the dense undergrowth. This image might have potential if it was taken in open space with the other two buffalo coming closer and forming a short of "battle" line in front of your lens. Regards from Greece, Teo 



    The dark background suits perfect with the white pelican. Sharpness and clarity also in top level. Well done, wonderful, artistic portrait. 



    Hi Mark. Both ducks are kind of "lost" in your frame. Judging by the red color of the background and the distance from your subjects, a 500mm super telephoto with a 1.4 X teleconverter would create a great "bird in flight " shot with a nice blurred BOKEH. The way this shot is captured doesn't seem to work. Too many elements (water, branches, trees, red leaves) tack sharp and quite distractive. Regards from Greece, Teo

    American Bison


    Hello Jim. This is a nice...record shot. There is no action, emotion displayed, no indication of the subject's "personality" or mood. These elements are very critical in wildlife photography and separate compelling images from mediocre ones. Regards from Greece, Teo

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