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Image Comments posted by g._patrick_barr


    I like the cropping, too, but I would have put a model by the stall doors, doing something interesting...it would add another layer of story to the photo.



    It was only when I saw the larger photo that I realized the building had the remains of a sign on it - in the thumbnail it just looked like part of the worn paint. Since you're working on it in PS anyway, I'd be tempted to manipulate the sign to bring it out more.


    If have access to the building, I might try maybe adding a light inside one of the windows, maybe even something hanging out of one of them, just to add a little more to the story.


    I like the contrast and texture of the lighting.

  1. I'm an engineer, and I still don't see how the damn thing flies with no tail.


    If I had the $100,000 per hour flight time cost....ummm....maybe it's a million per hour, dunno...I would try to retake the shot near dusk, so the batwing outline was barely visible, maybe a few running lights on, and a twilight landscape below it. The '2' is designed to fight at night, and such a shot would suggest this plane entering its element.


    And, I will also add, I hope this plane turns some bad guys to dust in the next few days.

  2. The hats, arms, etc need to go to make a good photo, the bridle, too, for that matter. I do like the detail in the camel's face.


    The subject is interesting. Years ago at a petting zoo in Houston I was watching my young neice play with a goat, then I found a large object gently settling on my left shoulder - a camel's head. Fairly young, she more gentle and affectionate than any horse I've seen - loved to have her head gently stroked. Amazing, given the reputation they have for being unpleasant animals.


    Camels in a natural environment might be a pretty interesting subject.

    A Perfect View

    Normally I would call the bright areas over-exposed, but the rays of light really work with the whole scene, complimenting the high value areas. Excellent composition, and terrific exposure! Subtle thought clearly went into this shot.
  3. The photo could have been taken in Bakersfield. The Owens Valley has some tremendous scenics, if you could find similarly colored foliage in a more dramatic landscape, you'd have a real winner, I think.
  4. if a building keeps you from going further back, either stand a ladder against the side of it, or gain permission to enter the building and take the photo out a window or from the roof.


    Another trick I have used is to stand a folding ladder in the back of my pickup, then take the photo from the top of the ladder. This works if you have a safe level spot to stop the vehicle, and only need a few feet of elevation. A pickup and ladder is easier to rent or borrow than a crane! Safety is a concern so be careful if you take that route.


    If you can fix the photo with software, great, but Photoshop costs more than the lens we discussed.

  5. "...don't me to use a tilt/shift lens..."


    Well, I'll tell you cheaper ways to get around the problem:


    1) The converging lines come from tilting the camera upward. Point the camera level, then either use a wider lens, or back up to get the entire church framed. Crop the print to get the composition you want.


    2)Go to www.kievcamera.com and buy a Russian made Arsat 35mm shift only lens in Canon mount($259). Quality is said to be decent.


    3) swap for a useable Nikon and find a Nikkor 35mm PC lens ($400 or so depending on condition)


    4) buy a used Canon 35mm Tilt/shift lens ($789, Demo at www.adorama.com) if that's in your budget.




    Other than the converging lines, I would suggest a little more contrast in the print. I like the composition...most people would frame the church head on.

  6. Shots in this folder are on Tmax 400CN, processed C41, whence comes

    the slight sepia tone. Yeah, this cat has an easy life, but does your

    cat hold still for flash photos? Comments appreciated. He's on light

    cat food, don't hassle me about his weight!

  7. Yes, it actually was mid-day when taken, on a hiking trip with friends.


    The "rule of thirds" isn't a bad beginning guideline, but the intent of the shot was to frame Half Dome and the falls with the unusual burned tree. It would have been inherently impractical to try to squeeze things into a "thirds" composition. That was my thinking at the time, anyway.



    Yep, technically competent, but a little haphazard a composition for my taste, and I do like textures and still life thingys.


    I don't know if you arranged the items, or found them naturally like that, but were it me I would try arranging the branch with cracks with the cream-colored rock, in a tighter composition - then experiment with different lighting angles for interest.

  8. This shot is a B&W machine print. I can see details that I wish to

    fix, for example burning in the tree for more detail. I might also

    consider re-shooting for a different perspective. Other comments?


    Yes, that is the back side of Half Dome and Nevada Falls.

  9. Thanks...This is a scan from a 4x6 print, so no the quality is not that hot. I had no slide film with me at the time. Sadly, the original negative somehow picked up a pinhole when I was having an enlargement made a couple years ago. A duplicate does not have as nice a cloud pattern. I will be back to the scene...at some point I'll make a good transparency.



    This photo really grows on you after awhile...the expression at first looked rather dour, then the guy looks to be smiling the more I look at it, very well done.


    I had to laugh at your posting title, "....Look!" It seems unless you put "...NUDE..." in a posting you get maybe two people to actually look at and rate your photo. I think when I put up the B&W photos of my cat I think I'm going to announce it as NUDE KITTY(which will be technically correct) and see if I get more hits that way!

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