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Image Comments posted by shygirlinterrupted


    I really love this photo! Beautiful colors and I agree that it would also work in black and white. You really caputured the light well!


    Hey Erika! I really love this shot. Very vibrant colors and good textures! good eye! I wanted to also thankyou for the comments on my page. Sometimes it can be tough putting yourself out there especially when there are so many awesome photographers on this site. It is a little intimidating when you are just learning. i want you to know that your work is beautiful and you should keep it up. You have a talent!
  1. Truly beautiful work. I am very new to photography, but this image just drew me in and I wanted to comment even though I am still learning... but that's the whole point of this site right? Anyway. This portrait reminds me of childhood and a glimpse of a better future. I love it because it reminds me specifically of my childhood. She's in the dark looking into the light. It reminds me of hope. She is standing on the brink and can't see too clearly, but enough to see the light shining brightly and a chance to explore such things.
  2. I really love this pic! It jumps right out at you. Great color, great expression and action captured. The only thing I would say would be to try to get both feet in there, but other than that... beautiful shot! I would love to have your constructive critisism on some of my stuff too. Today is my first day on this site, and I am very new to photography, but I really would like to learn! thanks!
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