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Posts posted by zenza_bronica

  1. I could buy a p6x7 with the 90mm leaf shutter for 250€.

    The camera looks used but not too bad...

    How can i see when the camera was built? (serial number...?)

    How long can i expect that it will work? How many shutter releases will it do?

    I know its hard to answer that questions.


  2. Hello,

    I´m trying to sync at a 1/1250 with my d70s but it doesnt work. (+pocket wizards & sb-80).

    According to this it should be possible:


    This is how my photos look like: http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w9/hansmoleman_01/D70TESTSHOTS.jpg

    Could it be that the pocket wizard plus II are too slow? With a sync cord it works great....

    Should i buy a multimax as a transmitter? I would really need to sync at that high speeds for sport photos...


  3. I found this: (from the nikon compendium)


    "The FM2, although marked with a flash synch speed of 1/200 will synch at 1/250, even if the warning diode on top of the eyepiece blinks. If you have access to one, try it. Just fire with an auto flash at a blank wall and check the resulting frame. It will be fully exposed from top to bottom."


    I just tryed the blank wall stuff.....

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