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Image Comments posted by charliecrusan



    Amazing photo. I personally prefer the centered horizon because you really capture the character of the clouds, mountains, and the water.


    Go shopping


    This is something that you don't see every day. I want to ask, but I almost like not knowing if this was staged or just random capture of a lost bet.






    I've never heard that before. I did goose some to give that extra "woo", ha ha. I'll definitely take your advice into consideration. Thank you for for your perspective.



  1. First of all, Amazing portfolio! What a beautiful bridge. This is a good, well composed photo.  However, I think the reflection on the bottom left is distracting. I know it's not always possible, but it's best not to shoot through the windshield. I would stick the camera out the window while someone else is driving. Unfortunately you don't have many options since you can't stop your car on the bridge, and I don't see any walkways. You may also be able to Photoshop out the reflection. This is all just my opinion, I'm sure it doesn't bother others as much as it does me. Keep shooting!


  2. Wonderful soft shot. The blue poking through the clouds adds some very nice color to this shot on what otherwise would be pretty bland cloudy day. I like the processing effect. Is it Orton?


  3. Thank you all!


    I agree with you regarding panoramas. I've always been fascinated by them since I was a kid. This is actually 6 images stitched together. At the moment I'm getting by with my 10 year old laptop, so I am limited somewhat in what I've been able to do. I used the photomerge command in Photoshop CS2. It aligns them, for you, feathers the edge, and merges them into one image. It didn't exactly workout, but there is a choice to preserve the images as layers. This just aligns them so you can trim and blend them as needed. Then I played with each layer's brightness, contrast, curves, and used the "color match" adjustment, I lowered saturation of some images, but at the end I added some saturation to the whole thing. 


    It's funny, as I was trying to stitch these up, and trying get the colors to match up I was asking myself why I didn't shoot it all in manual. It didn't occur to me at the time. When I looked outside and saw the fog like this the excitement overwhelmed me and my amateur brain turned off. I had the camera in full auto ...but they miraculously were all f11 and 1/250. So I have to remember to set the white balance as well.

    My concerns were mainly how the trees on the left are more green, and the trees on the right are reddish. The fog also changes in saturation. I think this is all probably just the angle of the light. I wasn't completely sure because there is a seam a little right of center about where the colors start to change. Starting from the RAW images is a great idea! At this point I'm not ready to throw this version out, but I want to try it out.

    Unfortunately, I didn't save a version before I adjusted the colors. This is mostly because of computer hardware constraints. 

    Best regards,



    Big Ben



    This is a really amazing long exposure! Great composition, and the colors are so vivid! I also love how that passing vehicles ( a bus?) leave trails of light that perfectly lead your eye to Big Ben. 

    Best regards,




    Thank you all for your comments! I am surprised, and very grateful! I better submit this for rating to shrink my head back down to size, haha. Many may disagree, but feel lucky to live here. We don't have age old architecture, or snow capped mountains, but we truly have 4 seasons. I love them all, but fall is my favorite. I hope to make much better ones this coming fall, but it is tough. 

    Jose, and Dave thank you both for your suggestions! They were very helpful and I appreciate them.

    I am not just say this, but you each have such wonderful galleries!  

    Thanks again!


    Steph 5



    Besides the minor thing I previously mentioned, I really admire the impromptu aspect of this. Using a sheet that happened to be hanging there was a great idea. You really have to respect such wonderful results with improvised means. The closest I've come to a studio is a couple lamps, and a white, or black bed sheet. You have really captured her beauty, and I find this inspiring.





    For some reason, pet photography has never really interested me... but this is a spectacular photo!






    Thank you for your suggestions, that didn't even occur to me. I'll have to start looking at things from a different perspective. Do you also find this photo a little dark? This was a cloudy day, but looking at it now I think I could brighten it up and make it more lively.

    You give me an excuse to find this road next year. Fall is my favorite time of year. I love to drive around looking for colorful scenes, but it is so hard to find the perfect scene that is in the peak of "bloom".

    I have been pretty active on here lately. I decided to dust off some photos. Also too often I've submitted photos for critique, and got no comments. So I thought I'd be part of the solution rather than the problem.


    Steph 5


    I completely concur with Mike. It is a very nice photo in every aspect besides the shine on her face. To me it looks as though she is wearing the wrong kind of shiny makeup. Otherwise it's a lovely photo.



    Kamila (3)


    This is a nice clean professional looking photo. In my opinion, I think the lighting my be a bit flat. I think little more contrast may do the trick.

    Best regards,


    Kamila (4)


    Nice shot. I'm no expert, and don't know anything about sideways eyes, but personally I like the frazzled hair. To me it's a sexy look, and shows how sexy women can be even when they didn't just spend two hours on their hair. I also love how her eyes cut through the hair like it isn't even there.

    Best regards,


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