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Image Comments posted by laurentbaig

    Lake Powell

    This is brilliant. I'm aghast that no one has commented on the image, it's superb work. Is this a moonlight shot? The tonal range is amazing. Well done image.


    The thing that really draws me into this image is the flow of the grasses. The barn looks a little haphazardly placed, I'd rather see it more in the image, even if it means less water.


    Very interesting. I agree on the darkness overall, but I think that with a bit of extra dodging here and there, you could keep the feel but balance the tones out a bit better.
  1. Great work as always. I'd be inclined to have a little less sky, but that's me. Per a previous comment, I do think this would work equally well with and without the sky. That's the cool thing about large format, tho, eh?

    18-03-07 #6

    I love the mist in the image. I wish the foreground tree were a little bolder in color just to anchor the image better, but otherwise this is excellent work.


    Nice composition. The flat light midday light isn't doing much for the image artisticly, though. That's probably the biggest problem here. The composition is nice, the foreground is filled by the prickly pear and juniper?
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