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Posts posted by niccoury

  1. the SB-400 is a cute little flash with decent results that was made specifically for the

    D40/D40X. It's less expensive than the SB-600 and much more compact.


    the D4O sounds perfect for you and is less expensive and will create good pictures, some

    argue its a better price/performance than the D40X or D60.

  2. Brad, you're right on with the D2H, its great for us pj's.


    I have no problem shooting above 800 ISO though, it depends on the lighting and how

    much time I have to clean up my files after the shoot. I've found (as you probably have)

    that lighter background show less noise, therefore allowing me to shoot at 1600 with a

    quick noise reduction filter and I'm golden.


    for the D2H's prices on the used market, it's a no-brainer IMHO to get one.


    ~ nic

  3. Hey folks,


    So as a working news photographer, my camera bag (currently a Slingshot 200)

    needs to be able to work quickly. With my zooms, the lens hoods reverse for easy

    storage, but with my primes, 85 and 50, the hoods are screw on type. They are a

    pain to keep in the bag and more so to put on my lenses.


    With zooms, I always use them, but with primes, do lens hood make a big enough

    difference on the shorter primes?


    I'm considering just leaving them as my desk.


    ~ n

  4. It really depends on what you're producing with the said camera that matters.


    For family pictures or your kids' soccer game, A D40X would do 90% of people just fine,

    but the shiny toys are fun to have.


    As a news shooter, 4-6mp is fine for 97% or my work. Every so often, for cover shots for

    our Weekly, a larger, full-frame file is needed, where the large megapixel crop factor

    could be nice to have, but it's all in what I'm shooting.

  5. <i>Kerry, without the D300 you will never ever be able to take anything other than mediocre images.</i>


    Not true. A pro with a D50 will shoot a better picture than a child with a D300. It's the photographer who makes the image look good, not the camera, yo.

  6. Hey everyone,


    So I'm going to pick up a few D2H bodies for my work as the staff photog at a



    As I can only buy them used now, I've delved into KEH's used department and I

    figure buying something conditioned EX or EX+ is fine, but what about lower.


    Has anyone bought a camera or lens or both in less that EX condition? How happy

    are you with it's condition used?




    ~ nic

  7. I'm a pro PJ, and I'd go with the lens over the camera.


    I'm also on a very strict budget until I start getting my paychecks and actually saving them

    from the newspaper.


    Older Dslr's with pro lenses work better than a pro body with amatuer-ish lenses.

  8. Lens issue. Though the 85 f/1.8 is a great lens, it's AF not AF-S, so it hunts more. But it's great for what it costs. One of the best, IMHO, price/performance lens Nikon has.
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