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Doug Obert

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Image Comments posted by Doug Obert



    Love the photo Stephen!  I am neither a arborist or dendrologist, but having lived my whole life under big and tall cedars, those pictured are not.  Now, redwood or sequoia, I would not know if it fell on me!

    Volcano moon


    A tough shot to pull off Josh.  But since there is no equipment details available, it's hard to comment, other than probably a shutter speed was used to capture some foreground detail, which in turn shows movement of the moon.   

    Crystal Pier 2


    This could be a great photo, but appears soft to my eyes also.  1/2 sec at 70mm is difficult at best to pull off without a tripod.  Add to that moving people and a seagull, kudos for trying!



    A difficult shot to expose well and you've done it!  The only downfall in the photo are the slightly annoying footprints in the sand. 



    Very nicely done Stephen!  Great composition!  We seem to take a lot of similar photographs, although yours are "much" better!  But, I'll keep working on mine.  Now it's my turn to say to you, I have one "that looks very much like this"

    Dutch dike


    I agree completely with Sam's critique and suggestions.  Far too much uninteresting sky in this photo for my taste.  Also, it "appears" on my monitor and to my eyes that it's a tad over exposed.  Hope this helps!



    Good exposure and color.  Lack of shadows indicates this was a mid day shot?  First or last hour of light would make this a much better photo.  But, maybe you were there "then" and had no choice?  Use of a tripod and "slow" shutter speed would have eliminated the distracting chop (white caps) and also given the waves around the rocks a silky (sense of motion) look.  Hope this helps!



    Jim has given you a great critique of this shot and I'll expand a bit on it because I too shoot with the XT.  I avoid 800 ISO shots "if" at all possible.  However, I believe this was probably one that I would have used it if I were there.  I do not know what lens you were using, only that you took the shot at 300mm.  My 70-300 will only open up to 5.6 @ 300mm so if I had to take this shot, hand held.  I would first look for some way to brace myself (this is all assuming no tripod) then look at the info in the view finder and see if I will be able to shoot at something at or above 320 in this case.  It's been my experience that in this scenario, 800 is better than too slow of a shutter speed...not by much, but better. 



    I agree with Jim.  Also a general lack of sharpness, which could be (again we don't know without the exif data) too slow of a shutter speed (camera shake OR wind slightly moving the flowers) or too narrow a depth of field, it appears that one blossom is sharper than the others but it's hard to tell because it's over exposed.  Hope this helps!



    Nice colors!  good sharpness, probably due to your use of f-8 for this shot.  Appears to be some vignetting in this shot and I'm not sure if you added that in post or not.  Angled shots seem to be kind of "in" right now.  Not sure if I like them or not :-)

    Divine boarding


    I agree with the previous comment on your composition Adam.  If you had zoomed out a touch, maybe 235-240mm you'd have had some room at the bottom and you would have been able to rotate the photo a tad, the horizon looks a wee bit slanted to me?



    Actually, I like it.  "Maybe" it would be better if the boy on the rights face was also lit up by the sun coming threw another window I'm guessing?  I'm not sure what you're not pleased with, but it's possible that some post production work could make it better in your eyes.  Candid photos are tough...you get what you get when the moment happens!



    Welcome to Photonet Amy.  Nice capture of a unique situation.  Exposure is good and is focus is sharp.  Only thing I see that "might" have been better, would have been to move to the left, thereby eliminating the somewhat distracting background and shooting in portrait to show a greater distance below.





    Wrong place and color for pollen. It is in focus, so it has to be something he picked up on his........ ;-)



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