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Doug Obert

PhotoNet Pro
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Image Comments posted by Doug Obert


    Hi Aygun, First I want to thank you for visiting my portfolio! I've spent some time looking at your photos and reading the comments. One thing that is obvious, is that your composition ( whether natural or learned) is quite good. Vincent Oiseau has given you very good advice on at least a couple of your photos, so there's no need to repeat it here. Keep shooting and learn from both your successes and failures! I look forward to seeing more from you!

    Nice catch!


    This is a great capture Warren. BIF are not easy, well done! My only suggestion would be to spend 30 seconds or so in lightroom and remove those dust spots. I see 3 and a possible 4th.


    Thanks for the resent visit!

  1. I really like the different angle you've chosen for your photo of Mt. Rainier, still from Queen Anne Hill... I presume?   When viewing the larger photo I do see 2 spots where you removed dust spots.  Sometimes photoshop/lightroom does not select the "best" spot to grab it's replacement area from.  If you don't already know, you can, manually move this area to a better spot, so it's not noticeable.  There is also a dust spot, or maybe a small plane?... way west of the summit.  


    Well done and thanks for sharing!





    I do not know why this happens, but I've noticed it in some of my darker foreground sunrise and sunset photos. If you go look at this photo in John's gallery there is more detail in the foreground, then there is in this version above. Enlarge it and there is even more. Maybe still not to everyones taste, but the difference is very noticeable.

    p e t i t e


    If something/anything was there, to the right of the flower, no matter how small or larger, in focus, or out, it would in my opinion be a more pleasing photograph. As it is, there is just too much nothing. If it was mine, I'd crop some of it.




    While this is a technically excellent photograph, it's much more!  I'm not sure I'm good enough with words to even express it.  Powerful and emotion comes to mind.  Well done!

    A couple of thoughts.  You could do a B&W and I for one would automatically assume that this was a very old photo I think.  OK, I wouldn't "now" but I would of ;-)  I looked at the larger view and maybe a tiny bit more could be left on top (if you cropped it) it's so tight there it "appears" that a few hairs are chopped off.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Hi there!


    Hi Miranda!

    I think you did an excellent job of selecting a good f stop (f-4) in order to isolate your subject from what appears would have been a distracting background.  The fence is still recognizable as such, but it's blurred.  I don't "know" this location so I can't tell you, you should have put more room between the girl and the fence.  Maybe that's all the room you had.  I kind of chuckle when somebody tells me that and I think, ok, I'll shoot from the other side of the house next time and you'll only see a photo of my house! ;-)

    By the way you worded your request for critique and looking at this photo, I get the idea that you've cropped out some of the person holding up this child?  I "think" I would have included some of that person, so as not to chop off a slice of the girls head and one whole hand.  Maybe?  Probably?  I don't really know for sure because I can't see it.  Bottom line?  CUTE girl, very good photo, definitely a keeper.  Maybe a tweak or two "might" make it better.  Hope this helps!   



    I think I would have zoomed out a bit, or stepped back to include all of the spray, with just a bit of open space around it.  However, if the idea was to catch (freeze action) just the spray, I would have framed the shot a little further right and maybe up just a tad.  Hope this helps.

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