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Image Comments posted by younes



    These are outstanding colours!

    I am also a beginner and I have noticed that as newbies, we tend to first be drawn by colours, with the only point of focus of our pictures relying on such colours. I think any improvement needs to go through seeing beauty outside of just colours (I am not saying colour is bad :-)). I don't know how far ahead you are, but I recommend reading books by Bryan Peterson, I found them to be greatly useful. Also for constructive criticism, you are better off joining a photoclub in your area, you'll see that on PN, comments are a rarity...

    Anyhow, welcome to PN, and enjoy your photographic adventures.




    My House


    WOW! So simple, yet so touching...I am deeply moved by this picture. The shirts hanging on the window add a dimension that is almost absurdly funny, yet so sad.

    Great work!



    That's a really nice shot. That cloud on the top right is fascinating! Too bad there is a little vignetting on the top right corner. Just out of curiosity, do you have more shots with the focus set on the cloud (or if the cloud moved in closer)?. Well done!



  1. There is definitely a lot of pop to this photo. I really like it. I do have two omments though: 1)I think a bit more contrast would help and 2) I find the bottom of the photo is a bit too distracting, there is just too much going on. I think the clouds leading to the mountain offer an amazing point of focus, and the red hill and line of trees at the bottom just take away a little a bit of that driving force. I would personally crop the bottom quarter of the photo.

    Just my 2 cents.



    Surf and Sand


    Hi Bill,


    here is the 3/3 coming :-D (just kidding). I really like the concept of the photo with the 3 "layers" of sand, water and sky. I just feel that the photo is a bit static, just a bit too horizontal for my taste. I believe taking it on an angle so that the sand/water junction is oblique would add a bit more interest. That is just my opinion...





    PS: I don't know what it is but I find that the ratings have slowed down significantly in the last 2/3 weeks, I used to get 15-20 ratings per photo and now if I get 6 or 10 it's already a miracle.


    This is a beautiful landscape. In my opinion, I think the photo woul have benefited from having less sky and a bit more foreground, the hills are so pretty and unusual and lead your eyes to the trees very nicely. Regards.


    That's a great capture. You took the shot at the very bet possible moment. I love the point of view, the colours, the discrete transition between BW and colour. Superb work!


    This is a very noce attempt, the composition is spot on. But I think that the yellow coat is a bit too much of a distraction. You could try a monochrome, with selective colouring on the umbrella...(no ratings).


    I really love the composition and crop, but I think the lighting is a bit too strong as most of the highlights on the left side are blown. No rating.

    Boy. South Italy.

    I think you managed to capture childhood in all its innocence. You can almost feel the boy's shyness but also his excitement, curiosity and fascination. Lovely capture. Well done.

    J 05

    That'a priceless capture. I wish, though, that you had gotten closer, filling the frame with the face. Nice catch. no rating.
  2. Amid all these praises, I am going to go against the grain and offer some criticism. I think the bird is a bit too central. Putting it slightly to the right would certainly improve your composition and make this a true masterpiece.

    Nice try though.

    Tree in Fog

    I love this shot as it is. I tried to see how it looked cropped but there was always something missing. This is a great capture, great tones and colours, beautiful tree. Well done.
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