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Image Comments posted by carlwakefield

    Model shoot Part I

    Excellent shot Dale, really got you lighting well balanced. Background light is spot on and not blown out. nice lighting from the side and still enough shadows to keep it interesting. Great detail without having to much detail where its not needed. Very good work.


    Super landscape and really great compostion, the only negative critique would be it looks generaly to dark in shadows especially on the mountain top right. But a very pleasing and striking shot.


    Super atmospher and very stiking. I would have prefered a touch more detail in the foreground shadows and maybe a little less vinigretting.
  1. Super shot and great pose but look at the back shoulder and eye. I really think it would be nice to get a bit sharper front to back by closing down a touch. The position of the model to the falling light is not as good as in the next shot. I think if you look when the light is falling from behind as hair light and can use a large reflector to fill the face from an angle to keep light and shadow so its not flat light its a winning combination. But still a very pleasing shot to have and be able to give the bride.
  2. Very good great shot super framing. The extra distance to subject keeps this shot a touch sharper as the other two. The light is falling from a great position for this shot. Nice light and shadows.
  3. Appart from the comments of a little to much room at the top, I really like this shot. The pose expression and intraction with this bride is perfect. You really show her for full beauty and happyness. I would still like to see the whole shot a touch sharper and would suggest you close down and try shooting at 5.6. You will still have the backgrounds well out of focus as you are shooting at 200mm for this series. It will ensure both eyes are tack sharp. To keep the time the same you would have to move iso towards 400 but I think its work thinking about. The shot is a winner in any case. (Saying that the softness may be better as fine skin details are may appear better as it is.)

    Møns Klint1

    Wonderfull scene, really shows size and nature for it wildness. Super compostion as well. The man give us the total size and is really well placed even if not typical. The only think I would critize is it lacks a bit the bunch and the range of tones and detail. It would have been better to get the camera on the tripod and close down to F11 and exposue a stop less. But as a picture its a great shot and a pleasure to view.


    you have very good eye contact and an interesting expression. thsi young lady has a very attractive face . I would suggest you look at the lighting. the exi data says F32 I think this is really 3.2. as you have a vice soft effect also no catch lights in eyes. So looks like natural light. you should add a touch fill light a reflector would help here. A hair light would also not be bad. Maybe a touch more room would also be good.
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