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Posts posted by jukka1

  1. Yes!

    Camera is very user-friendly, all the most important adjustments can be done very quickly. Anti shake is very useful thing and works with every lens. Camera is well constructed and balanced. I have been in some photo courses and many people have wondered how could minolta glass is. I shoot raw and make my own prints with epson r2400. in 13*19 there is know difference to 10 mp cameras if interpolated in photoshop to 300 dpi. I just like minolta colours, I can't explain it. In future I hope that Sony will take good things from Minolta and make very good slr-body.

    Camera is selling cheap right know and you can spent 'saved money' to Cf cards or extra accus. I have four and I need them all.

    If you have more questions I'll be happy to answer.

    Sincerely, Jukka

  2. Kuten huomaat, ovat samoilla linjoilla kanssani. Minulla oli my�s t32, sin䮳䠨yv䠳alama, mutta ei k䤮ny sek䤮. Jos canonisi kerran toimii olympuksen kanssa, voit ihan hyvin k乴t䤠sit䮠Oma vivitar 283 mittaa omalla anturillaan valon riitt䶤n hyvin my�s diafilmille. Veikkaan, ett䠣anonisi toimii siin䠳uhteessa viel䠰aremmin. Kuten edellinen kirjoittaja sanoi, ennen linssin l䰩 mittaamista p䲪䴴iin eritt䩮 hyvin. Ja olympuksessa on kangasverhosuljin, kuten leicassa, joten k䳩varaltakin saa ilman salamaa pr䳳䤭䬬䠴00 asan filmin 800 kuvia vallitsevassa valossa alle virallisten suositusten (suljinajan suhde polttov䬩in).

    Terv, Jukka

    Ps. Yrit䮠etsi䠳inulle paikan, josta voit viel䠨ankkia t䨹slasin 2-13. V䩴t䶤t netiss䬠ett䠳e on kolme aukkoa kirkkaampi kuin vakiona tullut 1-13. Se helpottaa tarkentamista huomattavasti h䭤r䳳䠶alossa.

  3. I would buy the system for that price. Of course you could buy them separately maybe little cheaper but that system includes all at once you'll need. Extension tubes are very good - you will need them for tight head shots and close-up with wide angle lenses (50 is about 24 in 35mm and 65 about 35. I think that Ae rotary finder has also spot meter so you won't need spot meter. Where do you need another 120 back if that one works? You can buy another later if you need.

    Only drawback is 50/4.5 has diameter 95 mm. All filters are very expensive to that. Pentax and Mamiya use more rational diameters for their wide angle lenses.


    I have used Gs1 for 3 years and have been very happy with it. I need very much both extension tubes. I have also battery back (very important here in Finland in winter) and some other parts to Gs system. I am very pleased with all slides I have got from 50 and 150 lenses.

    Regards, Jukka

  4. Hello Alex!

    I examined pro hood yesterday very carefully.

    You can use 75 mm filters for every pg lens. I have used it for 50 mm lens, which has diameter 95 mm. I tried it yesterday with 75 mm filter attached to pro hood and compared it to area without pro hood. Even corners didn't darken with 75 mm filter. Only when I turned pro 45 degrees right there was little vignetting in the corners (I watched all the time through prism).


    In fact, the mask which I put to pro hood (near the lens 75 filter inside)) has a diameter widht 68 mm hight 55 mm. Even this doesn't affect to picture even with 50 mm lens. I think the mask is made for wratten filters.


    Pro hood has two slots for filters. Near the lens is slot for 100 (width) filters. I think all those filters are in square format. On the side (farer from the lens) is another slot, I measured it was 127 mm.


    I use nearer slot (100 mm wide) with mask which has open area (h:55 mm w:68mm). I put 75 mm filter inside the mask. I think mask is about 100 mm wide. I think it is quite easy to do that kind of mask from thin plastic byself. I prefer glass filters over gelatin ones for better picture quality. Yellow orange b&w filter with apx 100 produces the kind of negative I like very much.


    So, the bottom line is that you can use 100 mm filters in the nearer slot and 127mm filters in the farer slot for every pg lens. I forget to mention that near the lens slot has open area of hight 70mm width 82 mm.


    Hope this helps,

    Sincerely Jukka

  5. You'll need both adapter rings. It has scale for lenses from 50mm to 250 mm so it will cover your needs. I use 75 mm b&w glass filters. They come in front, near the lens. Some people use there wratten filters (made by kodak), they are also 75 mm. In front of pro hood there is another slot for 100 mm filters (I haven't tried it myself). I don't know about using screw in filters, I shoot only black and white. Pro hood is very well made and very good in situations, where sun is in front. And using it makes the photographer looks like professional...


    Hope this helps,

    Best regards,

    Jukka from Finland

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