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Image Comments posted by caz

    Portrait of Elia

    Stunning work! I'd kill to find out how to achieve this 'ye olde' look !! OK, I know layers are used - but which one I have no clue!. It adds such impact to the image......Rgds Carole
  1. Hi Jennifer - awesome capture! Agreed the image needs some Photo Shop work. Do you work with Camera Raw at all? Perhaps you can bring back some of the detail using Camera Raw and then Photoshop to clean up the background. If you're stuck pse e-mail me a slightly higher rez image - I'll work on it and e-mail it back to you. Rgds Carole (caz@iafrica.com) PS a little fill flash would have done the trick, but don't worry I've been in similar situations, minus my flash when I really needed it!


    Lovely image. Would have preferred bare footprints though (not takkies) and agreed the horizon is a teeny bit skew (sorry for nit-picking). Love it anyway - reminds me of a beach in the Transkie - African coast. Rgds Carole

    Rose VI

    Fantastic! Love the light on your dog - you must have used flash to get this detail. He has a majestic air about him. Love it. Rgds Carole

    Tiger Beetle

    I simply love your work Christopher! I find it truly inspiring! I too think continually of photography - unfortunately work committments don't give me enough time to follow my passion (for now). I love the colour and composition of this unusual image. Rgds Carole (South Africa).

    Fossil Bed

    Hello Jerry, thanx for your constructive comment on 'Harley' - I've posted a reply. This is an interesting image - art forever! Rgds Carole


    Thanks Jerry for your constructive comment! I also thought about leaving the whole paw in the frame but he was stretched so far away from his head that I felt it would ruin the shot. Had his paw been curled closer to his face it would have been so much better. The orange thingy is a rose petal and I left it in as it complimented his eyes - yes, I agree it's distracting but I've got a thing about petals! Rgds Carole
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