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    Mountain View

    Lived in Colorado for about 5 years before I moved here. This shot makes me miss it. Miss the backpacking. Miss the mountains. Living on an island where the highest point is 60ft, Seeing this is....... magestic. Thanks for bringing me back.

    Remains of winter...

    Steve, wonderful photo. The blueish hue... is it because it's blue ice? I use to see this when I lived in Colorado and Juneue Alaska. The Grey bits... I've seen this ice with ice climbers. the thickness of the falls is good enough that would support an ice climber. If this is all suppose to be white, I guess the above comment is right. It's underexposed. Although I'm thinking shadows could be causing the blueish hue. But if my guess is correct that the ice actually looks the way the photo was taken, then Wow. Nice shot.



    Try this on your safety stop at 15-20ft.


    Search for a diver below you about 30 to 40 feet below, position yourself right on top of the diver. When he exhales you'll see a bunch of tiny bubbles coming up. As they come up, they will form into one big bubble. Focus on the bubble and shoot the photo about 2 inches before the bubble hits your lens. hopefully, you'll see your reflection in the bubble.


    Just something fun to try if you'd like. Plus it's a lot better than just hanging out at 15-20 ft for 3 minutes. Might as well do something while you wait.



    Probably be a better shot if you had used a red filter. In my experience, the deeper you go the less light therefore more blueish tint. I'm assuming the tube sponges on the right are green. I'm not so sure if the blue fish is a blue chromis, a juvenile creole wrasse or a damsel fish but by using a red filter, it would probably have given the fish more depth, the tube sponge more of a green tint. If no filter, use a strobe to light up the u/w colors. It always amazes me that people with great bouyancy control always end up having the same form as your subject.


    In my experience, it's extremely difficult to get u/w shots the way you want them. Current, surge, visibility, subjects, and trying not to touch anything while taking the photo. So I thought this one was good.


    Stay safe, take photo's leave only bubbles.


    Another great shot Steve. You're killing me here. I'm so jealous. These are the types of photo's I tried to take but the sand keeps messing up the metering on my camera. Looks like you got this one pretty good. Thanks for Sharing.


    I like the composition and the colors. In my experience (Very short experience) this is one hell of a difficult shot to pull off. I always mess up shots like these. The metering on the snow, sand is my problem, is very difficult. My beach shots always turn out overexposed or underexposed due to the reflection of the sand. Even when I spot meter the highlights midtownes and shadows, and still my shots stink. On what you've done on this picture, I find it pretty impressive that the snow is not blown out. NICE SHOT! Thanks for sharing.
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