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Image Comments posted by options

    Ta' Xbiex


    Clouds create a great mood. I find the boats are fine, IMO it created a leading line starting from the blue boat at the bottom, following the moorings of the boats it led my eye first to the right then to the left and ended at the builing left of the center of the photo. Then it travelled above that building to the great work on the sky. 

    If you're still thinking there's too many boats.... I don't know how to do it, but if you do.... I would take out the boats on the left, it would give a better view of the building and those two boats do not do anything for me.

    Great shot as with all your work.

  1. Funny you can tell they're used to the drill, as soon as they hear the boat engines they show up. Which is great for you. Looks like their pretty comfortable with people as their pectorial fins are not dropped down for aggression. Great capture. looks like you had fairly good vis too. Wish I was there.

  2. I think it's pretty good considering the following:

    Looks like this may be below 30ft which means the first color you loose is red.The strobes, took care of that problem as I can see the yellow stripes on the yellow tail snapper. If not, very good post processing skills. Maybe have another strobe to light the right side (Divers left) but looking at the vis when this shot was taken, that probably would've been a bad idea. Looking at the photo closer....I'm actually wondering if this was a night dive..... If not, this was probably around 80ft. 

    Pretty impressive actually. I say this because if this is an authentic diver..... I mean, an old picture, not a current diver wearing really old gear. Considering the photo equipment back then in the late 70's and early 80's, I would say this was a difficult shot. Specially if I am correct at deducing this is an old photo. Probably shot with slide film, in my experience, when shooting using slides, you either nail the shot or not. No histograms to check on this, so you either had to know the correct exposure or not.

    I say and old photo because of the following, the BCD is really old but yet it looks brand new. The mask is quite old as well... but not as old as those round ones Jaques Cousteau us to use. The old steel aqua lung reg. It also looks like you didn't have a pressure guage which means this was an old T valve tank. I'm pretty sure that was banned after the mid 80's. 


    Thanks for sharing. If you've got more of these photos please post it as I find these old dive shots a lot more interesting than the newer ones. 

    I like the gloves, feeding these yellow tails snapper is fun. Except these critters often mistake your finger as part of the food. They tend to leave annoyingly painful paper cuts on your finger.

    What did you use to scan this photo?



    I like the diagonal line the mast created. Great Exposure and DOF as well.

    Such a pity this boat is on the reef, they don't make boats like these that much anymore.

    Damn...... such a beautiful boat.

    In Coming...


    It is better viewed bigger. The above is absolutely right. Very nice job! I've tried this again, and again, and again and yet again. I've never gotten anything like this effect. 

    Really nice job!



    This is the kind of shot where everything just comes together.

    Nice diagonal, it's pretty cool that you got most of them to look at the camera.

    Very nice work.



    I like it a lot. Great Capture and this probably lasted a couple of seconds. Composition and exposure is nice as well.

    It's a bit sad though.......

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