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Image Comments posted by dejan1


    Thanks for your commenr Mat! You can send me photos of the medals so I'll know are they the same as my great grandfather got in I WW. Dejan



    Thank you both for your comments on this photo. My intention was to catch movement of wings, so speed was slower. Maybe next time I'll listen to your suggestion Damir and try with faster speed to freeze wings.


    Rainy window

    Excellent photo. I like ti very much. Very good idea and very good implementation. It looks like painting. Good thing is that there's no many colors in background on buildings.

    Rosy Swirl

    I am glad that you posted this photo for rating. I went now to see details of ratings and I'm really sad that people don't see at least originality of this photo, although aesthetics is also excellent. As I said before you posted it for rating this is really 7/7 for me.

    Old School

    I also like it and would agree with Anthony about lipstick. Anyway successful experiment, cause I see that technique is different then in your other photos. I would like to see sopme series off photos like this one just to compare it. Stay well, Dejan


    E ovo je vrlo dobra nocna fotka. Very good night photo. I thought I'm first one to comment it but mehmet already saw it and comment it. Light is very good so leaves are visible. Contour of trees are visible. And light below trees looks so strange and it gives to photo uniqueness. It's visible below, but not through trees or above. Very good implementation.


    I saw this photo yesterday i I thought it's interesting and nice. I thought your intention was to be like this, out of focus. Also i thought you did something in PS to make it look like this. Did you? Anyway I think that this was your intention so focus is not problem and it looks just fine. Only thing that distracts from rails is bright top left corner. Stay well, Dejan



    Good photo Damir. Nisam jos radio macro i ne znam kako je to izvodivo i koliko s takvim objektivom koji imas, ali volio bih da je pčelica svuda dobro izostrena. Ovako joj je malo zadnjica mutna, a latice na dnu slike ostre. Ali kazem ne znam da li bih ja i blizu ovako dobro uradio kao sto si ti.

    Ne znam za boje o onome kako Samir prica. Meni je i ovako super mada je i onako isto. U svakom slucaju mislim da s ovom fotkom nikako nisi mogao fulati. Iskreno receno meni boje ovdje izgledaju smirenije.


    When I saw this photo I thought it's very interesting. Interesting angle, shadow, composition those diagonal lines (I still think all this, great photo!!!), but only thing that bothered me was the flower (I thought it is some garbage, wasn't looking at it till I saw subject) so now you confused me :-) Anyway you made great photo! Stay well, Dejan


    Very nice photo. Good colors. I like light in far horizont. Onliy problem for me is this diagonal line. I can't figureout what it is. Stay well, Dejan
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