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Image Comments posted by dejan1

  1. Hi Carole! I find this photo very nice. Good depth showing us natural background or surrounding of this bird, but it's doesn't distract from the main subject. Interesting situation and moment. Very good result! What is the name of this bird? Stay well, Dejan


    Thank you all for comments. Please feel free to write what you would change or what you don't like. As to beginner I find that very useful and your comments very encouraging. Best wishes to all, Dejan


    Well because nobody commented this photo, I'll explain what I wanted to do with it. In background you can see statue of walker (you can find this statue on photos of Samir Kurtagic http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=4075402 and Marinko Saric http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=3534990 ). My itention was that he looks like he is frozen (and he looks like that) and to take photo of moving people. Unfortunately a time was not the best, not so much people on the street, didn't had tripod with me so I've put camera on the bench (that explain the angle). So from several photos I had time to take this was the best one, although not really what I wanted.

    Swan at dusk

    Excellent photo! You've captured grat moment, but you already know ti :-) I like reflektion on surface of the water! One of the best swan photos here! Dejan


    Hi Peter, I'm looking at this photo for several minutes and I can't see any lose of details in feathers. Although I see that background is little bit grainy, but it's ISO 1600, but swan is O.K. Nice "O" form :-). I've been taking photos of them yesterday and I'm amazed what are they doing wtih head and neck. Stay well, Dejan
  2. I agree with Dario nice scene, but it's pity to be so blur. It gives some dynamic to photo but it is to strong, Now when I see your portfolio i even think that your intention was to make it strong like this. I'm beginner so it could happen to me, as I concluded from your portfolio If you did it you did it with intention cause your photos are great. Regards, Dejan
  3. As usually on you photos, good composition, colors, light... Jos jedan odlicna tvoja fotka. Nemoj misliti da te samo hvalim, ali stvarno nemam nikakvih zamjerki na ovu fotku. Stvarno je odlicna.


    Hundertwasser Haus. For people who love colors very nice motive. Ja sam prije par godina bio tamo, samo mi je zao sto tada nisam imao aparat.



    Cao Sandra! Sad malo rovarim po photo.net-u i naletim ponovo na tvoj portfolio. Gledam koju si sliku zadnju stavila, skontam da sam je vec vidio, ali nisam napisao komentar. Nisam imao vremena, pa sad da ispravim pogresku pisem komentar.

    Vrlo dobar portret. Autoportret? Jedino bih kosu prebacio na stranu u sjeni. Svidja mi se kako lice pola na svjetlu (ne prejakom), a pola u sjeni (ne prejakoj). Eksperimentiraj jos. Dejan



    I was walking through this small passage between buildings (not much

    space to maneuver) and saw cat. While I was shooting cat this old lady

    came and told me to take photo of her and cat together. It's her cat.

    She told me to print one photo for her. She has, as she told five or

    six cats which she feeds. Thanks for comments!

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