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Posts posted by kl122007

  1. <p>Thank you Dan and Philip 's explanation :)<br>

    I also agree that I need an AF lens. The 500D kit with 18-55 shell be enough, since I have some lenses on my hand already. Someone suggest I should get a 18-200mm, which has much wider zoom range and enough to replace all necessary lenses. I don't know much about this lens quality. Is it better / weaker than 18-55mm, in terms of imaging quality?<br>

    It is the first time I heard about light reflection on CMOS. Is that very serious when using old lenses, e.g. Primoplan and Flektogon?</p>

  2. <p>My great grandpa told he used 3 year's salary to buy a Contax S, but lost in Long Beach during 1970s. Then changed to use Nikon F. <br /> Nikon F is a masterpiece, a full system camera that he is still using. After Canon F-1 introduced ,he use all Nikon lens with it. I think Canon F-1 should be the most "full" system camera since its FD mount allows using lens converters for converting all lens mount into FD.<br /> <br /></p>
  3. <p>Hi,<br /> Someone asked me for advices of Canon FD camera. The reason he choose FD because of the features of FD is more than that of Nikon. Cheap lenses and mount converters allow using different lenses on the one camera body.<br>

    But thecamera body seems to be a problem. There are many FD bodies and all of them have different unique features. So, which one you won't chose, or won't take it even it is free?<br>


  4. <p>Hi, I hope I did not post in a wrong area,<br /> I found some photos are excellent that the photographer could include the beam of light run down from the top to the ground, without darken background. Like this example found from web,<br>


    Can you teach me how to do that? I really hope to do this by using my film camera.<br>

    Thank you,<br>


  5. <p>Oh, I see. Thank you.<br /> I recently won a set of Canon Extension tube M set from auction site. I left my belows away because it is rather inconvenient to use. I don't want to take my tripod for just a few snapping.<br /> I know there is another extension tube known as "variable extension tube" officially. It allows us to change the separation of lens and camera freely. I can't find this one from local market or auction site (might be I have skipped/Ignored?)<br>

    Someone told me thatto reverse the lens for marcophotography is much better then that of using extension tube. Is that myrth true?</p>


  6. <p>I agree that FD to EOS is not a good idea. But I think I still need a DSLR to play with. After hearing from the advices, I think my FD gear should still on the film side. Well, my be I should play with the Exakata or Nikon gears. <br /> BTW, I want to know more about the charger and battery. Do they still available? I think 20D is rather too old and fall behind. I don't want the important acceries are difficult to get. <br>

    How about Rebel XT and 30D? Which one would you suggest?</p>

  7. <p>I know the quality will drop, but i still hope to hape a DSLR to hadle part of my works. Scanning film does caost me lots of time. <br /> And some of camera bodies, especially the exkata, are not fun to use. Some of them are too heavy or function missing.</p>
  8. <p>My budget is limited to around USD$300. So I don't think I could get a 5D or 40D something. <br /> The DLSR is for assistance purpose, not for major use. I still staying on the film side. I don't really care about the buttons, screens or functions on the body. Simple and easy to operate would be my first requirement. <br /> I have plenty of lens. Older FD, FL and also exkata lenses as well. I know the FL/FD lens may need a adapter with a correction lens but that won't affect me.<br>

    I can wait, waiting for a new model to be old with cheap price. I am hoping the price EOS 40D could drop.</p>

    <p> </p>

  9. <p>Hi,<br>

    I shoot film SLR mainly and quient a number of lens are in my room. I am think about switching to use digital SLR since I can reduce the time need for waiting film development. I am not going to buy a new one because the DSLRs change too quickly and it is impossible to keep up.<br>

    So I wish to known if it is good to get a used DSLR. And which model would be better?<br>

    Thank you. Kevin :)</p>

  10. <p>When I have the A-1, I dropped the new F-1 away. A-1 is much light and cheaper than new F-1. And other key point is that I need not to care too much about the accessories in A-1. A-1 comes with nearly all function you need and it won't ask to to spend extra money for a special finder with one function purpose only. And you might not use them even you have it readily. IMO, new F-1 is a monster to take away your money. I prefer old F-1 if I have to vote for a best F series camera model.<br>

    The major cons of A-1 are, first, Canon squeaking. It could be fixed easily. Another one would be crashing of program when you change the lens. You need to turn the re-exposure lever for correction.</p>


  11. <p>Hi,<br>

    I found it is strange that only F-1 or Ftb series camera can use FL58mm f/1.2, while all A series can not use it. <br /> I mounted tried to put it on my A-1, works in stop down metering. No strange things happened.<br /> So her is the question, why Canon manual don't want us to put the FL58mm f/1.2 on A series camera?</p>

  12. <p>Just back from a long holiday.How excellent it is...<br>

    Thank you very much for the reply. <br /> I don't think I will get a Russian clone, I tried once but I don't really enjoy the design. The one I has was Fed 5, a large, somehow bunk feeling camera. Shutter noise is more noticeable than my Leica IIIB. I have it sold at the begining of March already.<br>

    I am going towards to Canon, surprised by its price : nearly same as a Leica IIIF in good condition, and its slightly more in Canon P. However, I notice the shutter curtain...many of them seems comes with oily marks or fold marks. Is that usual? Which is cheaper in Canon 7 and P?<br>

    Since Jupiter-12 has a unique design on its lens, can I use my Jupiter 12 on Canon? And what lens that I can not use on Canons?</p>


  13. <p>I am still have a distance to that place, but not sure if I will be there earlier than expected.<br /> I have no plans now. To sum up all my collections, including those modern one, it won't be more than a thousand in the coming 50 years. So, I think let my kids (if I have) to own them.<br>

    I don want them to be stolen or go to the trash. It is a kind of "distruction" of a piece of art. If my life end early, I will let them to store in a secret safe and wait for someone to discover it.</p>

  14. <p>Hi all, I need help today,<br>

    I have an old F-1, which is the first model. Then condition is still nice based on its version and age. When I use it with flash gun today, I notice the flash can not be triggered 1/60 or below but above 1/125 . Besides, I notice the sound at 1/60 is strange. It is "Squeezee.."in a fast way instead of " ch-oop". <br /> How to fix this problem? Can someone provide me a repair manual?<br>

    Thank you.<br>


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