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roy sydiaha

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Image Comments posted by roy sydiaha

    Shawna at sunset

    Thanks, Joshua. I'll look at some others from this set, and see if I have some with less flash. It's a crapshoot, as I neither want her only silhouetted, nor so bright that she's separated from the environment, which I think she is here.


    I love this photo just as it is. The FG trees allow for perspective, showing just how large and far away the mountains are in the background. Great capture!
  1. The tight crop, especially at the top, makes a very tall frame, which matches the subject, especially with her on her toes. I like it myself. And that fact that her face is in silhouette rather than lit is really striking, I think, and draws the eye to the focal point of the picture, namely her behind. The arms help with that, also. Just such an easy pose, really beautiful.
  2. Thank you for your comments, Lamar.

    First: the fact that this is an international site means nothing to me - no matter the number of viewers, from whatever nations, it just doesn't matter. Second: the shadows and facial blemishes are a part of her beauty, not a hindrance to it. Third: the lighting is totally natural, coming through our marbled window to the north, offering up a nice break up pattern, which includes shadow. I like shadow. Forth: uneven skin tone is due to her wearing various shirts out in the sun, and it's the way that nature has coloured her. Dude, thanks for your comments, but please recognize that I'm not trying to take a picture of some "perfect" goddess, I'm trying to capture the beauty that exists in every day life, a beauty that has no need for PS. An imperfect beauty. Real beauty. Man! I'm looking for criticism of the photo as it is, not on my concept of photography!!

  3. Ya, her face out of focus, I don't know why that is, certainly not to draw more attention to me, that's for sure! She didn't have the same side light as me, perhaps, or she moved slightly? Anyway, for an amateur with a cheap camera I think it's not a bad snap shot. I did several more, I'll see if there's one with her more in focus.
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