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Posts posted by saskia1

  1. Thanks for the advise for my question. I will trying to using some type of B/W film and find out how its will working for me. I think this is just challenge for me to do something different in photography.


    I will wait to see if there any advise for this stuff beside trying to browsing some article from this site.. which actually will taking much my time doing that, so that's why im using this forum for short advising.




  2. I recently taking photograph in color film. But i want to try also using B/W film and infrared. I was tried once for

    B/W ..but i think i need more learning about this stuff. Also i want trying using infrared film.

    I will have 2 order wedding on January, and i think want trying use B/W film.


    Anyone here can give me advise for using B/W film for wedding? such what B/W film i should use it? and any

    technical that i need to know about it?

    Also about infrared film? i dont have any knowledge about this.


    Once more anyone here want to be my online teacher for B/W ?




  3. Glad to know that there are still many photographer keep shoot in film for their photograph. Everyone here have own reason whether choose film or digital. I love take shot using film for all my photograph. I just worry as the digital technology has growing so fast and offer the easiest way for photographer that love to using digital camera than film, and its has affected to the industry that produce anything related with film like in my country, Indonesia its now difficult to get slide film and lab that still can develop slide film due to the industry has change following the market demand as said in news letter that mostly people now using Digital SLR for their photograph.
  4. Im living in Indonesia, for now Im still love take photograph using film than

    digital. As now digital photography growing faster. It's difficult for me to

    get slide film anymore in my country. I've been looking around some big store

    and photography wholesaler in Jakarta city and seem slide film dissapeared

    from the market.

    Anybody here know and have suggestion how can I get slide film?

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