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Posts posted by alfaromeo

  1. Sorry for not making my question clear enough. I know about FTP, username/password from the provider and all stuff related to this. What Im trying to do here is this. I have used program WebPageMaker to make a webpage, but this program cannot generate web galleries. So I have used the program Adobe SC2 to make a web gallery of what I want. After I created a web gallery, it sits in my PC in the dedicated folder. Now how would move the web gallery and put it into my webpage? so far I've used the same program WebPageMaker to change/update something. But the web gallery was made with different software. Is it even possible to do this or I have to stick with one program to do everything.
  2. majority of people usually select the center one because it is the largest and the most sensitive ( not sure about this) one. point on the face or the subject you're photographing , then half-depress the shutter button, focus , keep it half-depressed and compose, then fire the shot.
  3. I'm trying to resize some photos for the web but automated technique simply does

    not work. I recorded an action where I open the file, resize it, apply unsharp

    mask and save for web. Then I open the image processor, select a source folder,

    destination folder, file type as JPEGs <p><center>

    <img src="http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/alfaromeo155/a2.jpg"

    alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br><p> but it does not work, Im

    getting this error message<p><img

    src="http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/alfaromeo155/a1.jpg" alt="Photobucket

    - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br>

    </center><p> What am I doing wrong, or how to do it correctly?

  4. you cant have the same quality lenses on both and have the same coverage(FOV) because of the sensor size difference. For 5D wide angle you may have 16-35 or 17-40 which is better than the 30D + 10-22mm or any other third party lenses. If money allows go with 5D
  5. I bought this lens recently. It is used, but performs OK and still under

    warranty. The problem is the focusing ring feels very loose even though the

    internal focusing mechanism is smooth and snug. Taking into consideration the

    fact that I have never owned this lens before, can anybody, who have owned this

    lens, shed some light onto this matter. Should the focusing ring feel like that?

    It actually clatters slightly when you shake the lens.

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