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Image Comments posted by foinikizein

  1. from our toilet..been shooting different versions from there, angles

    etc. not so much room so pretty limited 'positions' available,

    anygayz, this is one of them. maybe would go to abstract posts too?

    opinions? cheers for interest folks!




    Any editing ideas, more contrast, colour changes etc?

    thanx for watching, comments welcome!

    few of these kinda photos, B/W & colour, just want to kno does this work!

  2. shot this in one of our mushroomhuntingtrips, picked this mushroom and

    noticed that snail under it, and bling! had to grap my camera from the

    bag and do some 'experimenting' ;) i'm not sure does this work better

    horisontally or vertically (are those even real words?), tell me what

    ya think! anyway, put that mushroom on to mu knee and shot this one..

    think its funny. at least first shot like this for me! thanx for

    watching & commenting & rating if ya will..



    nice one sis! it seems that ya ave snow too, where ever ya are at the moment;

    same thing here in Finland, finally we've been enjoying real winter with snow and freezing days too :) i've been shooting now similar kinda photos, mostly nightshots but today was so sunny & nice weather that goed out with my dog & camera and shot some colour photos (aven't done that for a while!), nice shadows and the colours seem so different with the snow kontra gray & wet weathers we had too long earlier. maybe i upload some of my pictures to my portfolio, avent checked yet what kinda art there's captured inside my second best friend (camera so to say ;). anygayz, like yar shot, nice tones, good B/W!

    enjoy life & stay true!



    'bloodtree II'


    one of my 'bloodtree' theme shots, at first made f.ex this for our

    bands use, but now thinking of shooting more similar stuff and do

    prints out of them, few for canvas also. tell me what ya think! so

    comments & rates welcome, thanks for the interest!



    saw this man down by the riverside, i was taking few landscape shots,

    bird shots and wanted to capture him too. had to balance pretty

    'skillfully' in those rocks because the river was right behind me.

    didnt want him to notice me and didnt also want to fall in to the

    water, had to be patience, and that rewarded me with this one. wanted

    that old museum car to be in this one with the rocks & the man, looks

    a bit weird crop but kinda like it. thanks for watching!

  3. young danishdog male searching for some guidance for guarding ;)

    my beauceron bitch R�lli showing some exsample! rates and qritic

    welcome, f.ex. should i crop some of the foreground away or does it

    work like this better? cheers for watching, keep posting!



    Thanx for watching! Please visit my portfolio & leave some comments!

    Check also earlier posts & rate & comment if ya will; it would really

    help me improve my skills..




    shot this one during our first snowstorm in this winter. no editing,

    effects are nature made, even constant cleaning of the lens, snow

    landed there and ya can see it in a picture..weather went so bad that

    i (& my dog:)had to leave home, sparing our selves not getting flu

    (clothes wet allready,) and keeping my camera safe & working. cheers

    for watching, comments welcome!

  4. my dogs wet pawn marks on a wooden trail; after she was 'battling'

    against swallowing swamp (beauceron as all of known shepherd dogs, are

    paleontolically proven to inherit from the swamp dog = Canis

    familiaris palustris). and she enjoyed fully, as i too, being 'with'

    the nature..

    comments & rates are more than welcome, thanx!

  5. My friend & bandcomrate Junior plays bass, again one of my older

    photos, founded it when battling through some old backup cd's. He has

    this photo

    printed & framed in his wall, so it has to ave some meaning to him and

    me at least. Please put some comments if ya ave some opinions, rate if

    ya will. Personally i think it works like Hell ;)

  6. My friend's danishdog Elukka(=Animal; 1 1/2 year old) enjoying and

    sprinting(and jingeling his bell's,) on a swamp, during our trip to

    Kuhankuono Nationalpark in autumn. Sharpness ain't the best 'cause had

    to shoot this in a motion, but think that this is pretty funny one

    (the dog too!). Maybe more for the humor forum, eh ,)

    Did just some cropping to get the dull sky away, no other editing.

    Thanx for watching & interest. Would like to hear some comments! Rates


    Keep posting great stuff people!

  7. another older photos of mine..ixus 400 series. 'photoshopped', with my

    limited editing skills & because photo's not so good pixel amount;

    couldnt do better version but still think that this is decent idea.

    comment if ya will, rate if ya will, thanx for interest at least! cheers!

  8. one of my older photos, the quality still pretty good, taken with

    canon ixus 400.. still think that this is worth of watching so thank

    ya for yar interest. any comments welcome, rates also! please visit my

    pack of various photos (portfolio so to say,) and if ya will, leave

    some comments, take care!

  9. shooted 'few' photos in the summer during my biking & walking trip

    around my town Turku, saw this woman smoking siggie in a balcany,

    shooted few photos about the river side and waited good moment to

    capture this! no cropping or other manipulation, wanted to ave some

    abstract feel in it, so had to 'leave' her in the middle (it was

    impossible in that situation to try to find better position)..

    please rate, comments more than welcome and finally thanx for

    interest, keep shooting & posting great photos crew!



    Taken on a rainy day shooting trip.. manually focused, using timer,

    ISO speed 400. This is the first version, no manipulation, maybe i

    should try something? Comments & Rates are more than welcome as

    always, for me at least. Keep shooting people!

    'Matkalla I'


    Shot this in spring -06; posted the same theme photo some time a go,

    B/W photo (shooted in autumn); now it's time for this one, found it

    when i searched older backups i ave..

    still not snow in here even we're known as cold & snowy country, santa

    claus lives in here (in Finland i mean) but presents found their

    eagering 'takers' anyway ;P

    the sky is not so good & exciting (there wasn't any clouds etc.) but i

    think there's still something that pleases my I, hopefully some of you

    too.. please rate & comment if ya ave something to reveal.. have a

    good & pleasent good year folks & keep shooting & posting great photos!

  10. Good winter photo! it's nice to see that at least some part of the world has snow..

    i live in Finland wich is famous about cold winters & snow & santa claus ;), but at least now we don't have any in here where i live! just yesterday i was shooting some material and when i got home i was totally wet because of 'winterstorm' wich was just pure fukkin water and wind..

    well, there's still months to go so propably we get some -30 celsius weathers too uhuh!

    keep shooting photos and take care bro;

    greetings from Finland; i will check your portfolio when i have more time!

  11. I love yar portfolio, lots of variety, feel of living the life etc. good job bro!

    excellent job with this one too, just superb! those hungry lusty eyes eagering for some fresh flesh, yammy ;)

    Really, composition, colours, sharpness, the whole theme, just superb as i said, yin-yan, the balance of nature!

    We want more!


    i might find some different versions from my archives, right now i'm not really sure did i shoot the photo just with these rocks or did i do some different 'settings', anaways, i like this and your crop so no damage done! just viceversa, comments & succestions help me to improve myself as a photographer as i 'asked' in the forum post, and it's good to learn how to handle qritisism and different opinions, in life too ;)
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