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Image Comments posted by j.k._york


    i love the way the shadow exits the frame at the corner. simple, yet beautiful balance of sand, sea, and sky. excellent position of person and dog. bravo, J.K.

    Buyer or Seller ?

    i think i've been stuck behind this guy before. LOL. i can feel my blood pressure rising just looking at this knuckle-head. hope nothing fell off. take care, J.K.
  1. good subject material rich in tones and textures. red background a good choice as well. diffusing light source would help with hot spots. if umbrella is not available then bounce light off white sheet or some other large white surface. bravo for branching out and trying new and unfamiliar techniques. take care, J.K.

    City View, Toronto

    a beautiful diverse city that i've enjoyed visiting several times. excellent cityscape with ultra cool light and color. the clouds are positioned very well to compliment skyline. good work my friend, J.K.

    Taking a break!

    super portrait. good nitty gritty feeling. the toning is unique and compliments the mood. i like his far away look. good pose too. well done my friend, J.K.

    Lone Lily

    we must be on the same channel Ted because this weekend i got some shots very much like this only from a higher angle. i must say, your angle is better for DOF control. i like the FG cluster of pads with the flower then the water then another cluster of pads forming a nice set of triangles. the sliver of reflection of the flower is very nice. well done my friend, J.K.
  2. while most of the time i would agree about perspective control and straight lines, but here the convergence works in you favor in closing in the small building inbetween. with the "lean-in" you get the feeling of the older smaller shops and residences being squeezed by modern functional sterility. super light and sky. very nice commentary on so called progress. take care, J.K.


    your landscape work is most impressive. i have enjoyed these excellent pastorals and look forward to more. this piece, like your others incorporates the road very effectively leading the eye into the composition with a great vanishing point. nice lazy day sky caps a beautiful rustic village. well done. take care, J.K.


    very nice you lucky dog. great capture through the window. so this is "fly over" country. looks beautiful. the river and its tributaries form pleasing pieces of a puzzle. well done, J.K.

    spider meal III

    i like this one even more than the last. the angle is more aggressive and the twist in the fly's head more macabre. "the Kill" . increadible macro series Hasan. regards, J.K.
  3. yes, without dual zone exposure control, shots like this would be impossible. i don't mind, in fact i like the wide angle because the tree is your subject and the lighthouse/sun just happen to be a nice BG. hope things are well with you my friend. take care, J.K.



    hello Ellen "Ladybug" van Deelen,


    lovely pastel pink is perfect compliment to the darker red of the insect. the splashes of green don't hurt either. each little frame is a masterpiece by itself, but combined you have a true powerhouse composition. bravo, J.K.


    i prefer this one to the yellow one as the yellow one is more ubiquitous. a simple yet effect treatment. i like the vertical within the horitzontal frame. great, no, super colors. nice light too. well done, J.K.
  4. thanks for your kind words and support. the sunflower's texture from smoothish petals to spike like pollen sacks and then that artichoke heart center make for naturally dynamic subject material. i like your series here. the one on the right is very cool. love that burnt orange/red. well presented too. take care, J.K.

    Clouds 2 of 2

    well, i think this is a better cloud shot than the full silhouette bottom one. the hint of detail in the FG creates more tension in MHO. you also captured more color in the cloud and better texture too. well done. J.K.

    Clouds 1 of 2

    i saw one like this 2 days ago and i didn't have my camera :-( i'd crop just a little bit off the bottom as the darker clouds don't need all that silhouette to hold the density end of the shot. thats personal pref of course. very dramatic shot. regards, J.K.

    Lock 4

    i love door and lock shots. the light through the keyhole is a winner for me. good exposure and nice symmetrical composition using the panels in the door rather well i might add. take care, J.K.

    Out in the rain

    super cool. so this was with that twisty thingy between camera and lens? how much vignette does it produce (i suppose it depends on lens focal length.) anyway, great shot of some beat up ivories. i like the blue duotone look. take care, J.K.

    Beautiful in my Eyes

    bravo my friend for posting so many wonderful photos back to back. your talent is to be admired. this capture of an interpersonal moment shows joy and is uplifting. beautiful smiles and great tones and light to show them off. i like the crop on this too. well done. J.K.

    A moment...

    love the high pass treatment makes the colors really sing. good "lean" angle. i like this one the best so far of your beach fishermen shots. i see all this work, but i don't see any fish. show me the fish!!! :-) J.K.
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