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Image Comments posted by celasun

  1. I look at this one side by side with the "Them... 1996". The bond is still there... Perhaps, even stronger... What I see is lucky children. Strangely enough, their looks make me think more about myself and not you, the photographer... In fact, myself and my relations with my children... Confusing. Uneasy... Still fine. But a bit painful, nonetheless... 


  2. Jack,

    Graphically speaking, this one has a pretty palpable calming effect on me. I just feel like I can look at it whenever I need to calm down. 

    On the other hand, one may see these carefully spaced human artefacts as cold, alien and depressing. A rather fitting description of most of our "developed", "dehumanized" corners of the world. 

    I hope it is not a sign of a sickness but still, I find the image really relaxing! Just cannot help!



    Many thanks for your comment. I do appreciate it very much.

    I guess, this picture does not appeal to many as it lacks certain qualities that are shared by most good and above average photographs. This is essentially a personal view; shared here after some hesitation. I was unable to put a title on this one as I was not sure what was it about! I just happened to feel better looking at it and this happens rarely (for my work). Your choice of the word "harmony" can probably describe how I felt while looking at the scene. I am still not sure if the harmony was within myself or it was dispersed among the visible components of the image. It may not matter, anyway... Now, I feel even better since the image had something to offer to your discerning eyes. 

  3. Your right foot seems confident.

    It either knows the destination or just doesn't care...

    The direction of the journey, however, is difficult to judge.

    From darkness to light? From earth to heavens? From present to past?

    Or, looked from high above, you may well be just travelling along a circle...

  4. Jeff,

    Pebble was indeed trying to figure out where the cat might have been. He still believes that I do not lie!


    I was, in fact, out with a camera for shooting poppies against the setting sun. It turned out that Pebble strongly disliked the idea of me paying too much attention to the red thingies. The rest happened exactly as you described, unplanned... While turning back home (barely visible at upper right corner) I stopped and whispered some intriguing words to make him pause for a few seconds. The leash was in my left hand and the shadow of part of the 5 meter strap is superimposed on my left leg's. The camera is on my chest. I am happy that I could try shooting this one. I still cannot believe how everything seems to have fallen to the best possible position!

  5. Neither secret, nor garden :(

    Looks and feels more like a prison where the occupants are required to believe in the title you chose. 

    I live in there. I also like to believe that I am different...

    Just don't ask me why!

  6. Such a dynamic composition composed within less than a second, at most...

    A multilayered story triggered by her downward looking face (and the centrally placed hands); unfolding within our minds... An inescapable decline... I wonder why I don't feel like being that guy with the helping hand. Why do I feel like I am more like the nicely dressed lady?.. Your image, my problem!


  7. Your photo of leaning chairs (or, whatever they remind to each of us) does work! It lets us communicate with you and express how we feel about, the photo, you and our own selves. It helped me better analyze myself and it made me notice that I was not so different, not so special anyway... My problems are real and shared by others. Oh, what a relief :)

    Thank you for insisting on submitting photos (apparently even against your other half) and helping us all to ... just move...

  8. Her look/your composition makes me think whether I am like her... Still thinking about possibilities, not-yet-totally-missed opportunities... Daydreaming... How can I know that I am sufficiently away from the boundaries of reality? When exactly is it too late?

  9. One of my recurring ideas is to shoot an image (or, perhaps a series of images) to depict some piece of music. The difficulties are abound, as one can easily imagine. Foremost among them is the inability to anticipate what the potential viewer may feel/think. Once created, the image sems to live a life of its own; detached from its creator and his/her mindset... Without delving too much into the debate of modernism vs postmodernism; I can just say, here you have really created an image of this poem... Thanks again, to you both.

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