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Posts posted by celasun

  1. <p>Your last photo with the dog clearly suggests a malfunction to me. I do not think it is what one may mean by "busy bokeh". I believe your better copy will not show any of this... Please kindly report your experience with it here. Happy shooting :)</p>
  2. <p>Evan,<br>

    Thanks for your response. <br>

    I sent an email to Tocad on November the 1st. (At their info@... address).<br>

    No reply as yet.<br>

    None of the official services in other countries (Britain, Germany ...) replied my earlier mails about repair. Rather irritating, to say the least.<br>

    I should be happy if you could kindly send a better email address (privately if possible, to prevent spam) to contact a responsible person there.<br>


  3. <p>Contax 645 shutters need to be replaced sooner or later (for most of the professionally used cameras, it is sooner!). Unfortunately, Kyocera does not seem to be keen on supplying them to the repairmen. This is in spite of the fact that there are about three more years they are required to do so...<br>

    How do I know? Because I have a Contax 645 body waiting to be serviced at KEH-Repair now for about six months due to lack of parts. Tocad America (the official agent of the famous Kyocera Co.) does not provide the part(s), does not answer questions and does not care to reply my requests. That is how!<br>

    Hasselblad 500 C/M is easier to service everywhere.<br>

    Mamiya should also be fine.</p>

  4. <p>Colin and Ed,<br>

    Thank you very much for your responses.<br>

    In fact, I was able to find a tiny, miniscule diagram in the pdf file Colin linked. The lens looks like a "usual" 50mm f/1.8 lens, not an f/1.4 one. I will not be surprised if its "measured" largest aperture is f/3 or something like that. Of course, this does not matter a bit; its rendering does seem special and that is the thing that counts. My copy will be arriving soon and I will be happy to report my experiences later...<br>

    Ed, I will really appreciate if you could find the image somewhere. </p>


  5. <p>An Update!<br>

    None of the above mentioned sites responded my inquiries. Not a single one! They did not even acknowledge getting a message...<br>

    Then, I tried keh.com. They said they can replace the shutter for USD 370. I agreed and have sent two bodies with the same problem. It took "months" for them to replace the shutter assembly of one of the bodies, which is fine at the moment! The other body is still waiting for the replacement part to be supplied by Tocad. I am informed that Tocad seems unresponsive to their repeated request for the part!<br>

    Kyocera is expected to supply the parts for a few more years. I will be surprised if they don't. Still, without their request, Copal will not produce any shutters. I wonder how Tocad lacks a stock of them. Any ideas?<br>

    Should we start worrying about the future of our Contax 645 bodies now?<br>

    I have also sent a message to Tocad for information on this matter today. I will be surprised if they care to reply.</p>

  6. <p>Philip, <br>

    Thank you for your response.<br>

    The adapter I mentioned (called the cheap Chinese adapter) arrived. It fits nicely to the GX680, and the Contax 645 back (digital or film) fits on the adapter nicely as well. For tethered shooting one needs a special cable (thanks to Theodoros, my Greek friend who helped me built this system). For ordinary use a simple synch cable should be enough. I will be reporting more when my digital back comes back from Denmark :(</p>

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