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William Michael

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Everything posted by William Michael

  1. Excellent idea. Others will either choose to expand and explain the meaning of their commentaries when they are asked, or they will choose to not, simple as that.
  2. I think I misunderstand the first part of Barry's reply, or Barry misunderstood what I assumed and to what I agreed in his statement, or both; but that doesn't really matter. My point was only to highlight how I understood RJ comments and it seems that we agree on that bit.
  3. Assuming that the claim that photographers all over the world have used the 'rule' with relative success, a claim with which I agree in so far as some have; I read that an explanation was implied - "So up here on the globe, it's more like Sunny 11 or even Sunny 8 for a good part of the year. But if you tell that to people living in sunnier climes they just don't believe you. Because if some daft paper guide issued by Kodak says 'Sunny 16', then of course that's the word of God, and not to be disputed!" I assumed that RJ lives somewhere in the UK and has (or would) adapt the rule to suit that latitude. WW
  4. I wrote similar. We might have attended similar courses. I believe you. On the 'diary' you mentioned: That's interesting. I kept a similar diary, for a couple of years. The diary was kept concurrently with other diary by a photographer in San Francisco, (a long time member here at PN). Sydney's latitude is 33S and San Francisco's is 38N. We collected data so similar that it was 'exact' for our same seasons. Our experiment concluded we needed 1/3 Stop more open than the F/16 Rule in our respective Summer times and about a bit more than 1/2 Stop more open in our respective Winters. WW
  5. Thank you for taking the time to explain that: I have been ruminating for hours trying to understand what, I (correctly) assumed, was the pun or joke you made. I was ignorant of this terminology: learn something every day, thanks. Now I am busily researching Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe. WW
  6. I agree. Which is why I wrote rule as 'rule' (within single inverted commas) in the body of my text. Also, why I wrote 'is of little use, for any close to exacting purpose' - was to underscore the previous mentions of bracketing and film latitudes: for example, fudging the exposure with Tri-X was a different ballgame to guessing with Ektachrome Professional. WW
  7. Arguably the F/16 Rule is of little use, for any close to exacting purpose, anywhere in the UK, being that the UK is situated above 50 degrees N, which is way outside of the area between the Tropics of Capricorn and Cancer. By the same token, quite useful in Timbuktu, which is situated within that area. Though now considered archaic by many, the 'rule' as I was taught in Technical College, went pretty close to this: ". . . in daylight for front lit full sun subjects situated between the tropics between the two hours after sunrise and two hours before sunset." The Photography Diploma and A.Diploma courses at East Sydney Tech (1970's) were similar to and recognised by City and Guilds, London; mentioned because you're in the UK and secondly to place historic relevance and why I mentioned 'archaic' - very few, if any, "Trade Courses" like those exist any more. As others have alluded, there are additional steps premised on the 'rule'. For example, "light cloud cover, still exhibiting subject shadow, open one stop," etc. So, in answering your original question - I think that many (perhaps most) people advising the F/16 Rule, probably don't know the 'rule' themselves. WW
  8. Thanks. On that technical point, I appreciate the detail, I thought that was the situation and usually I am pedantic about these matters, especially more critical of my own endeavours knowing that particular lens as well as I do. However, this doesn't create any issue whatsoever with my Viewer's Eye when I am looking at your image. WW
  9. I am looking forward to Glenn's answer/comments on this point. And whether it annoys others. My view is the front wall of the cabin is skewed, however, the EF24 to 105/4L IS at the 24mm end, requires exact levelling of the lens's axis to the ground line to avoid sloping (inverted keystone distortion) exacerbating barrelling, at vertical lines near the edge of the image. Pertaining to my comment, my EF 24 to 105/4L IS is my favourite take everywhere lens, even with its limitations. WW
  10. Not commenting in any way about the technical aspects, something which I generally do do: one interesting element that struck me was the image is sucking my Viewer's Eye into the large mass of sky in the background. This made me ask - "what's the story here?" My response was, 'this not so much the story of "an old wheat farm in southeast Idaho" but rather raising questions about what is beyond "the remains" .' I wonder if that is anywhere near what the Photographer had in mind for this story, or if there was any story at all? It made me think about rural areas I know and how many are simply "remains" and there is not much beyond that. WW
  11. There has been much recent discussion regarding this and similar topics. Please see this recent Sticky, which is one result of those conversations: LINK
  12. Allegory, a special type: paraprosdokian. Nicely constructed and presented. I do hope that its meaning is realized. WW
  13. Glad you did share. I understand. I suggest that it being the weekend and it also being the weekend of the 20th Anniversary of September 11th, I suspect where many USA people would be thinking of many matters, a time lag would be understood too.
  14. If I understand your idea correctly - That would be a simple formula and a key difference (to the old POW) would be the selection process. My first thought is that it would require a two week cycle to (initially) get it going. Week 1 - all submissions made to a thread and the last day the choice of POW is made and a new comments thread is begun with that chosen image at the top Week 2 - new submissions thread started, etc... WW
  15. See my Post #44, above... it can be all done on a forum post, total visibility.
  16. It is a shame your private suggestions left you put off and without much hope because the response to your suggestions was that thought was required upon them. I would have thought that you would value a response that your suggestions required thought. Thought on a suggestion implies that the suggestion has worth and the recipient values it enough to expend time and effort on it. regarding these suggestion to which you refer - I don't know what suggestions or to whom they were made and obviously the time frame of any response is relevant, but I'd suggest that if it's been only a few days, that you think of the glass half full, not half empty. Then again, maybe I misunderstood the meaning of your Post #35 *** On another general and definitively more important note: I do believe "Certainly, what this thread so far shows is that there's no reason to have any [hope]" has great merit and is an insightful comment, especially if I were your suggestion recipient and therefore I were dedicating quality thought to it. The whining and whinging commentaries in some parts this thread and many other commentaries similar in the Site Help Forum, are enough to put volunteers off ploughing any further of their leisure-time effort into this site: absolute. WW
  17. When: I recall they both became inactive, on PN1, during the Beta Testing of PN2. Why: I reckon samstevens hit the nail on he head (my paraphrase) - "their elimination was [not] an intentional act, so much as a matter of attrition. Apropos, "[your] right to know": I have no idea what you consider is within your right to know, however, being those are passionate words, being ignorant of the facts as to why, I can only offer my opinion as to why, to hopefully quell your anger. Further, again quoting samstevens - "I suspect knowing the reasons won’t bring back the features many of us miss" is the line I tend to take when I am confronted with this type of situation: being a generally an outcome focussed kind of guy, I put my effort into doing stuff here that gives me interest and joy and forwards the conversation, rather than ruminating on the past; to that end, Sandy's idea of a Member run "Picture of the Week" is a good idea. Maybe you could start it and see how it flies? WW
  18. I don't know. Glitches similar have been addressed before, so I do hope so.
  19. I teach students too and ran into the same problem. I don't have a definitive list of other camera brands, and I'll add that I have not yet come into any issue with other brands of DSLR cameras that the 2021, 2020 and 2019 Students owned: anecdotal averages - 60% Canon; 30% Nikon 10% Other (couple of Pentax and one Fuji). The only centre Hot-shoe pin problems (with DSLRs) I have had, is with Canon DSLRs. I am reasonably confident that I have a full list of Canon EOS DSLRs which have the centre Hot-shoe pin missing. These are, in chronological order, most recent release listed first, (in the line are same models and released in different regions): > KissX10 RebelSL3 200DMkII 250D (released 2019) > KissX90 RebelT7 2000D 1500D (released 2018) > RebelT100 4000D 3000D (released 2018) The models released immediately before 2018 (KissX9 RebelSL2 200D) and all the previous models, I believe all have the Hot-shoe centre pin. The models released after the aforementioned "missing pin" cameras above, I believe all have the Hot-shoe centre pin and these are: > 90D (released 2019) > 1DXMkIII (released 2020) > KissX10i RebelT8i 850D (released 2020) *** I don't understand how or why a RebelT6i (aka 750D, KissX8i, released 2015) and RebelT7i (aka 800D, KissX9i, released 2017) had the centre Hot-shoe pin missing or covered, and I am not arguing that point - just saying I reckon it should be there on those cameras. The RebelT6s (aka 8000D, 760D, released 2015) should have the centre pin also. *** Addressing this point directly, in the my course preview and requirements sheet, I now have in a big photo of a Hot-shoe (from the top) and strongly suggest the Students "have a DSLR with the big centre circular metal contact" - and I had a big red arrow pointing to it. WW
  20. Your question is understandable, especially as it seems to be that you could have been relatively inactive at Photo.net, since Feb 2019. I believe you are missing the critical information: it is not that no one had time to refresh the page, it is that there is no one to refresh the page. WW
  21. Both stopped a while ago. Likely under the present situation will not begin in a framework as they were before. On the other hand, there are several regular threads, initiated by enthusiastic members which garner much support. I believe, not so long ago, I read a post from samstevens (my paraphrasing now) in which he encouraged the members to create and get involved in the achievement of similar. WW
  22. You can't and no post can be deleted without a very good reason. Please see the sticky post at the top of the classified forum "How to use this Forum", specifically point 5 - "5. When the item(s) is/are sold, (or withdrawn from sale) the Original Poster is to comment “SOLD” " LINK
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