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Image Comments posted by rebekah1

  1. Wow, this one is definitely going into my "Favorites" folder. It a beautiful panoramic and the first time I have seen Scotland from this view. I'm a Scot from the Stewart Clan. I visited Scotland while in college and I'd love to return. Thank you for sharing this great photo and well as your others with us on PN. Rebekah B.
  2. Just finished going through your entire portfolio which was very enjoyable: Your flower shots are exquisite and your abstracts provoke contemplation. Although it would be difficult to chose a favorite, this one really spoke to me. This image ("Irrational Knowledge" or, I might call it, irrational thinking) has been going aound a lot lately. While many are worried about H1N1, I'm more worried about the latest trend toward fearful conspiracy theories and the 2012 madness. So good to know that you are a scientist, the future of our planet desperately needs more of you. Thank you for your recent comments and rating of my Blue Ridge Parkway photo. Photography and hiking help to ground me but digital art is a great way to express what cannot be captured with a camera. Blessings, Rebekah B.
  3. Thank you for taking time to comment on this photo. After a busy summer with very few PN postings, I was inspired by the beautiful autumn we have had in Virginia. The leaves were spectacular and there was plenty of rain which always helps bring out more fall colors. Rebekah B.
  4. So honored that you took time to view and comment on this photo. Regarding the "hot spots:" I have lost my polarizing filter and I know that would have helped improve this photo. It is on my Chistmas Wish List. The green line is trimmed grass along the edge of the Blue Ridge Parkway. I agree with you that it does distract from the natural beauty of this photo; there are other photos in this folder where I avoided the parkway. Greetings from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia where we are enjoying an indian summer after soaking rains. Rebekah Baker
  5. There is so much fun in discovering these unexpected photo-opts. We were hiking in the woods looking for dramatic autumn landscapes when I looked down and saw this image. The more I take photos, the more I become aware of the beauty of details found in the world around us...a world which many usually ignore. Thanks for stopping by to comment. I look forward to viewing many more of your photos. Rebekah B.


    Another great creative photo. Layering is fun to do but I have yet to master the process as well as you have. Blessings from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia where we are enjoying an Indian Summer after soaking rains, Rebekah B.
  6. Thank you taking time to comment on this subtle sunset. I was a bit disappointed about the amount of color in the sunset, so thank you for noticing the soft beauty of this photo. Rebekah B.
  7. Thanks for taking time to comment and rate this photo. I took over 20 photos of pond reflections in October and this was one of my favorites. I may post some more of those images so please let me know what you think. blessings from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia where we are enjoying an Indian Summer after soaking rains, Rebekah B.
  8. Thanks for stopping by to comment and rate this photo. I think that the leaves were a bit past their peak of color so only a few trees were still pretty when we visited the Highlands of Virginia in October. However, the clouds and their shadows did provide some added interest that day. Blessings, Rebekah B.

    Lily's Fish

    So good to have to stop by to visit. Thank you for your comment and rating of this photo. I built a water garden in my backyard so I spend a lot of time photographing the fish, flowers, and frogs. It is a little to sad to prepare the pond for winter but happy to see the fish on warm days. Blessings, Rebekah B.

    Evening Lily

    Thank you for taking time to comment and rate this photo which was taken at sundown when the water lilies start to close. I have built a pond in my backyard so that I have many opportunities to take water lily photos at all stages and lightings. Blessings, Rebekah B.


    Reflections are my latest passion, especially with the fall colors reflected in the ponds. It looks like a beaver might have visited this one. We have the same problem so the beavers have to be trapped and moved. I always feel sorry for them because they have excellent skills but no one seems to appreciate them. All of your photos, digital manipulations, and art work are outstanding so I always enjoy seeing what you have created recently to share on PN. Blessings from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia where we are enjoying an Indian Summer after soaking rains. Rebekah B.

    Frog in my Bog


    Thanks Jerry and Linda:


    Thanks for taking time to comment and rate this photo. This is a Pickerel frog which stopped by with her baby frog for the summer. I had just finished building the pond so I was very excited to be accepted by Mr. Pickerel who has now left for the winter. I hope that she will return again in the spring.

    Blessings, Rebekah B.

  9. Thank you for your October comment and rating on "Autumn Reflections." After a busy autumn, I am trying to catch up with PN. It seems that your decision to return to take this photo was worthwhile. The flowers and the lighting help to make this an excellent photo-opt. I've tried taking horse portraits at a local college but when they see me they think that I am going to feed them and they come running to the fence. Great for close-ups but not the photo I was lookng for. Looks as if Paint was happy to stay where he had plenty to eat. I've enjoyed looking through your portfolio of outstanding images again, particularly your portraits. Blessings from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia where we are having a few days of Indian Summer after the soaking rains. Rebekah B.
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