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Image Comments posted by rebekah1

    Oak Sky


    Tony, I used the eye-dropper and paint-bucket tools to try to even out the color of the sky.  I wasn't pleased with the results, so let me know if you have any other suggestions in PS, CS2.  I do like you rendition better, so I'll keep trying.  Thanks for you input.  Rebekah

  1. Tony, thanks for sharing the information about the PS Adjustment-Shadow/Highlight which works great.  I tried it on this photo but did not repost it and have used it often on other photos.  Rebekah

  2. There are many sycamore trees on the campus of Sweet Briar College where we often take walks for photo opts.  The sycamore is one of my favorite trees so there are quite a few of of them in my portfolio.  This one provided a great view of the full moon. Do you think any of the branches should have been cloned out? Rebekah

  3. It is good to hear from you. I really enjoy doing this reflective technique with images.  Is there a special term for this kind of image?  Thanks for your comments. Blessings from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, Rebekah

  4. Wonderful composition and color.  A good balance of man and nature, even the colors of the boat are in harmony with the landscape.  You might consider cloning out the other people and boat behind the tree.  6/6  Rebekah 

  5. Well-focused shot of my favorite bird, a variety that visits our bird feeder often.  I really enjoyed viewing your portfolio.  Winter greetings from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia where we are enjoying temperatures in the upper-60 degrees. Wishing for a bit of snow for photographic opts! Rebekah

  6. All I can say, Tony, is that it is about time that one of your photos is being recognized for POW. In fact, I consider all of your photos POW worthy. Not only are you an outstanding photographer, you are a constant, contstuctive contributor to the PN community. Your thoughtful comments and technical advice are always so appreciated. The reason why your photos are so excellent is because you do take the time it requires to capture such an original and creative image. Congratulations to one of my all-time favorite photographers on PN. Rebekah B.

  7. Wow, Tony, just when I thought you could not take any more beautiful photos than what you have already posted, I see this one full of movement, color, depth and beauty.  It is so powerful that it has a 3-D affect and here in Virginia at 2:00 a.m., I'm sure that I can also hear the rushing of the rapids.  It deserves to be photo of the week. Thanks for your recent messages which are very much appreciated.  I've been away from PN a while, so it is good to reconnect with my PN friends.  Blessings from the Blue Ridge Mountains where we finally have some autumn color which I'll be posting soon.  Rebekah B.

  8. Ross, I can see why you focused on the lily pads in this photo because that is what I would have done also.   This photo shows a great depth of field and in order to "obey the laws" (which I never do), you could crop the sky out of this photo which might keep the eye focused on your main attraction, the lily pads, which then emphasizes a sinuous path back to the distant lake.  Any way you look at this photo, it is beautiful.  The attachment is only a suggestion.  Blessings from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, Rebekah

  9. So good to hear from you.  Thanks for your time and thoughtful comments on this photo.  This is actually a creek that once was the water supply for for a mill which is now being restored.  I've been away a while from PN, so it is good to reconnect with my PN friends.  I visited your portfolio and see that you continue to post outstanding photos which capture your love for nature. Blessings from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.  Rebekah B.

    Brighter Worlds


    Thanks for  your continued support.  I've been away from PN for a while but I see that not much has changed in the "digital category":  PN members who give "#3 ratings" with no comments... 

  10. Thanks for taking time to view and comment on this image.  This guardian-angel statue is in our city cemetery where there are many photo opts similar to this one.  Yes, I'm afraid that there is a serious need for some intervention from above for this angel.  Blessings from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, Rebekah B. 

  11. Hi Tony, I've not been on PN for a while but I see that you are still creating the most magnificent photos on this website.  Many of our trees in Virginia are still green so I'm hoping that means we will soon have some Maple-Tree colors such as these.  Blessings from the Blue Ridge Mountains, Rebekah B.



    Hi John:  Thanks for your recent comment on my "Under the Golden Arches" image.  I've enjoyed going through your photos and this one really caught my eye.  I enjoyed reading the critiques and the method you used to capture this wonderful image.  I wonder what you might title this one?  I too am a vivid dreamer...I look forward to seeing more of your digital art.  Greetings from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, Rebekah B.

  12. This old flour mill on the other side of the train track is in the process of renovation.  Lynchburg,  VA, was once called the "Flour City" but this is all that is left.  At least someone sees somthing in this huge building; we have yet to hear what the contractor is planning on using it for...maby apartments. Thanks for stopping by to view and comment.  Rebekah B.

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