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Image Comments posted by joshodonnell

    Hanging around

    Nice job getting the exposure correct here. It's very easy to blow the highlights, especially in harsh lighting (looks like it wasn't too harsh, but somewhat none-the-less). A little fill-flash would have helped bring out more detail on the back of the bird that's shadowed.
  1. Kent, the straight on shot of the heron works here in this situation. Typically, the only time I'll take a straight on shot is if I'm close enough to essentially fill the frame with the bird. If this were my image I'd bring out more color in the bird, but that's just my own personal preference.
  2. This was captured during the last golden rays of light at Fort

    DeSoto. I know it has a yellow cast to it, but the lighting was as

    golden as I've ever seen it when I captured this... The egret is a

    soft but none the less I love it because of the school of fish

    jumping in the air.

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