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Image Comments posted by joshodonnell

    Jan fiskaal


    Lovely portait here... I see a small halo around the bird but this is simple to fix in PS. I think a little more empty space on the left would be beneficial.



    Red Squirrel

    Nice portrait... On my monitor the highlights are overexposed.... It's a tough subject to get proper exposure on... If original is in RAW I'd dial back the exposure a half stop or so and see if you can get some details in the whites.


    Greg, this is a very unique image. It definately made me chuckle, you timed this very nice! I love green herons, they are fun to watch as they fish.


    Peter, this is a very nice image of this little bird. It's very sharp and the background is very pleasing. My only nit is the limb/stump that is coming up behind the birds head. IMO it's very distracting, but I understand that you can't control where the bird lands!


    Hans, adding the space on the right made a dramatic improvement IMO. You did an excellent job exposing the whites, this is one of my favorite species and they can be very challenging. The background shows nice environment, but a little more blurring would allow full attention to be focused on the bird and fish. This is just a minor nit, I love the image and wish I had this in my portfolio!


    Hans, I love the breeding colors on this egret. The fish is a nice plus. I would prefer to have the full view of the neck instead of part of it being chopped off on the right side. Also, the background is a little distracting to me, it looks like you used the smudge tool in PS, would prefer to be blurred instead of smudged.
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