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Image Comments posted by michellecarter

    the perfect fit

    I think it looks great. You could blur them a bit more just to help the bride stand out. But because of the angle and lighting effects, she already stands out and you've got a great image!
  1. Thanks Marc. That's kind of how I felt until I heard a professional photographer say, "now that you can use filters in photoshop, there is no need in the field". It didn't seem right to me. Thanks!

    Rocks and water

    Thanks Jiri! I think even if the quality is the same as digital (which it's probably not), it's still fun to see an image appear on paper after developing it with chemicals. It's a great feeling, like you have made something.
  2. Your images are always so sharp and well composed. This is just beautiful with the perfect lighting. I notice you use a lot of different types of filters. Do you think it is better to use a filter in the field as apposed to filters in Photoshop?

    Bryce canyon

    True, but it is also full of contrast which makes it a great candidate for black and white. I love it. It's very sharp and has a lot of detail and sharpness. My favorite two things in pictures! congrats.

    Rocks and water

    Very sharp and beautiful details. My father uses film also and is wanting a 4x5. He has a 6x7 right now. The processing cost is holding him back. Do you notice a big difference in sharpness between a 4x5 and a top of the line Digital SLR?


    I think it is a great idea for a composition and if your client likes this style, then this is the style they should get. They are paying you to capture their day in their own unique way. Who wants wedding pictures that look the same as everyone else's? Great job and very unique!


    Very beautiful and soft image. Unique also with both ladies, it gives it feeling and make sit feel touching. Maybe if her hand was not cropped it would help out a bit.


    Very beautiful great lighting. I think the long shutter speed enhanced the picture by giving it a nice mood and feeling of morning. It's like I'm there. Great job.
  3. I have this also in black and white. I can't decide which is better.

    I like the gold tones from the sun and the vibrant colors of the

    dress, but the white jacket is burnt out. Please leave a comment.


    Playful couple

    Very nice candid moment. Great job. I just shot my first bridal session also. I'm a newbie at weddings. Looks like you've got it down though! Keep up the good work.
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