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Image Comments posted by gamitch

  1. This photo was taken as I was driving east on the TCH near Canmore, Alberta. I placed the camera on my left forearm, hit the sutter button and 20 seconds later I was left with this image of "Flowing Photons" produced by the lights of passing vehicles. The dancing orange, due to camera shake, in the upper half of the photo is from distant lights in the background several kilometers from the highway.
  2. For those who rated this photo 3/3 within the first 5 minutes. I know this photo is probably not as aesthetically pleasing as many of the others posted here today, but remember NATURE is not all sunsets, rainbows, waterfalls and pretty white doves!!!


    It's a very nice photograoh, however, in my opinion there seems to to much black tree trunk. Maybe you should try cropping about 2/3 of the trunk from the photo and presenting it as a vertical shot. That being said, I still believe it's a good photo.

    Back in Time

    The fence does work well as a leading line to the subject. It also acts as somewhat of a frame for the house as well. My eye does have trouble at times leaving that post on the right. It would be tough to crop that out though considering that the house is so close to the right edge as well. A polarizer may have worked well here too, darking the sky a little. I think the contrast of the yellow house and against a dark blue sky would have been nice here. That being said I still think it's a solid photo.


    I really like the placement of the flower. I'm guessing many people would tend centralise the subject, which may have worked as well, but I tend to use the rule of thirds quite often, depending on the subject of course, and I think this is a great example of how that rule really enhances the composition. Great Photo.


    Nice photo, but what's most important is the message it sends...the importance of parents supporting and encouraging their children. It's always nice to see photos like this. Good job.
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