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Image Comments posted by charles_seef

    Amsterdam street

    I like this one a lot. I wouldn't change the lighting or contrast other than possibly to darken or "deepen" the sky a little. I'd say a very good capture without PS manipulation.


    I agree its full of energy. I'd leave the color alone. This looks how I would expect to see it on stage. Only thing I would have suggested would be to have shot it at a lower speed so you could see a bit of blur and get more of a sense of motion. Easy to say in retrospect and may have resulted in the face being blurred so you may have hit the best compromise. Nice job!

    The Silver Age

    The b&w conversion is perfect for the picture. The vignetting or fading out isn't quite right though. I did one like it and never got what I wanted either but I think the secret might be to fade it out even more gradually. Good luck.
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