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Image Comments posted by jfrey43


    You are correct. I do like this photo. Very attractive model, interesting pose with feet turned in and nice work with B & W tonality. I just like others in your portfolio better. All in all, you shot nice work. But it is a matter of taste. My comments are complimentary.

    fashion 1

    WOW, nice photo. Love the soft white contrast of her dress against the dark browns in the bark of the tree. The model's posture and look just totally drip sexuality. Great Photo!

    Street princess

    I definately like the contrast of the gorgeous model in a skimpy dress showing just enough of her body to make her sensual against the urban scrawled backdrop. I caught on to the crown spray painted above her head as well lending to the title of the photo. Did you paint that there or was it already there? Great photo, beautiful model. Would love to see more of her! Nice work!!!

    The summer`s ended

    I just love the simplicity. I don't want to think of the colder harsher seasons that bring on the long pants and boots/shoes. I also prefer the short shorts, the soft breezy dresses/skirts and the elegant open toes shoe, flip flop or bare feet....the soft smooth skin of a woman....summer, don't go away........but I regress, nice shot. You're making us all dream of summer pleasures.


    I like the contrast between the yellow flowers in the foreground and the diversity of color in the background. Its almost like to photos put together. Nice work!

    Beach portrait

    On this angle the model almost looks like she is digging into the sand, holding herself back from sliding into the water. You can see the muscles in her right leg flexing slightly, like she's bracing..great model, nice toned body, beautiful water, looks like its a nice warm day...would love to be there!
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