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Image Comments posted by jfrey43

  1. This was a fun shot to make. This is an old tug boat in the channel

    coming in from the lake. The trees were so green this summer, this

    shot is great but the boat may get a bit lost in all the greenery, so

    I accentuated the boat only. Tell me what you think!

    Arabian Stallion

    Nice work.....vivid colors and great show of strength. Also, Catalin my friend, many thanks for continuing to look through my portfolio and give constructive comments....instead of roaming through anonymously and giving 3/3's.




    As usual you put up a great photo. You take the nude female body and use it on your "canvas" as a piece of art. Never have your photos been perverse, ALWAYS they show the beauty of women. You have a wonderful eye and take such vivid shots. Your models are all beautiful, stunning and wonderfully posed. I can't say any more than...FANTASTIC!


    Very Sexy Pose.....shirt slightly open, presumably the only thing she's wearing besides the shoes and tie...with the glasses on. Looks like the executive seducing after a day at the office. Very Nice!

    Yunani Ship

    Nice capture. I love the silouhette of the boat against the sunset. Even the clouds look like birds flying in the background. This is a really nice photo, good job!

    Day Abreaking!

    thats a cool photo! i saw it as a thumbnail and thought they looked like giraffes before I opened this pic up. Nice work and I like the contrast between man's industrial machines and God's cloud work in the background. Very nice!
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