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geri cullen

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Image Comments posted by geri cullen


    Thanks for your comments Matthew. It was bucketing and I was trying to keep my camera gear dry....you are probably right about a faster shutter speed, I will remember that next time I'm in a similar situation..Cheers, Geri

    Vase light study

    I also like it just the way it is - you have captured a beautiful evocative light. Strange I took one a little similar (not on pn yet) a few weeks back. Well done. Cheers Geri
  1. Good photo Judy - the view from the top would have to be worth it wouldn't it. When I think of how many times I leave something at home after getting in the car...I am soooo glad my house is ground level. It's true you would be very fit! Cheers Geri

    The Stairs

    Excellent photo jim. I'm a little curious as to the figure seen on the left hand wall? it's almost like an apparition! You certainly captured a desolate ghostly atmosphere..Cheers Geri


    Hate to repeat the adjectives...but this is a gorgeous photo in every way..comp, colour and mood. Well done. Cheers Geri (australia)


    stn...tania sorry if I got your name wrong..this is a beautiful image. Wonderful colours and composition...I wish you all the best in the future with your photography. ps thanks for your ratings ..Regards Geri (Australia)

    Beach Closed..


    Sydney has taken a battering with wild storms recently...closing all

    beaches, but for some the temptation of riding those high waves is

    too much to resist!


    Hi Sidney Thanks for your comment on my 'rain' photo. I have been looking at your photos, they are also very unique and creative. I like the graphics in this one very much. Keep up th good work! Cheers Geri
  2. Hi Tibor - I think you see the same patterns in things that I also see! I really like this photo - It's incredible that artists sometimes spend months trying to recreate works of art that really are all around us every day in 'ordinary things'. I love the colours also - your work is very interesting and creative. I would hate to be the engineer trying to find a fault in this tangled mess!! PS thanks for the 7 on my pic of a railway station. Regards Geri.
  3. Hi Gordon - This is a beautiful lake shot. I love the contrast between the lake and the dead wood. The colours are beautiful - soft and natural. Thanks for your comment (a while ago - but only just seen it) on my seagull shot. Cheers Geri
  4. Thank you so much Mike & Dale for your comments on my photo. I like to photograph ordinary scenes and try and bring a mood or atmosphere to them with choice of colour or darkening/lightening etc. so i am really pleased when others enjoy looking at them. Cheers, Geri
  5. Hi Dale - thought I would take a look at your portfolio after your very kind comments on my photo 'tangled web'. Your pictures show the expertise of someone who has been photographing for a while using both film & digital. This shot is no exception, beautifully captured, colours, comp & sharpness. I too have a Canon 70-200 EF lens. I use it with my canon EOS 20D. It is a great lens. Cheers, Geri


    Thank you all for your comments and ratings. I love the soft afternoon light we have at the moment (winter) and am trying hard to capture it's magic! Cheers Geri
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