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Everything posted by sideris

  1. sideris


    Thanks a lot for your visit to this very old and humble photo (unexpected result for me, believe me) Your comments are very interesting and flatering for me because I feel I got my goal. For sure the tension is real, I swear you, I was there, such a kind of mystery, a rustic cave for two lovers, a wild window without glasses, the greek sun reflected on the hard white stones outside incoming like a bless, and she watching herself in the mirror. What a feminine classical gesture, what a delight. Youth. Love. Dreams. Oniros.
  2. I'm gladly surprised by your emotional words, perfectly representing my intentions when I pressed the shutter! Thanks a lot my friend. Donna Your comments always are like a balsam for me, for sure she appreciate your flattering words. Me too, of course. John You hit the nail again. There is a story in there, and, like every passionate story, it is full of joy and disappointing times. Like in the real world (is this image a glimpse of the real world? perhaps) every single ray of light and every single dot of darkness has a meaning. What I mean? Well, it is up to the observer, but a human story for sure, nobody ignore this tremendous fact. Again, my friend, you are a master reading underlines, what it's not written. That is the sense of the photography. Dani I like your "reading" way. Less is more, always, even beyond a simple photo on a screen. Now I know this, a bit late, but I know. I'm glad because you like it. Dana I am really flattered with your visit to my work, your words about the voyeuristic feel is an accurate description of us, the observers. Indeed, a photographer is a voyeur by definition. On the other hand, I recognize you as a sensitive and talented creator, so, your comment has a great value for me. Thank you.
  3. sideris


    What can I say? I am envious! This is a work of art in every senses.
  4. sideris

    Church Scene

    Lucky me, following your pages I found out this gem. Here everything is perfect. Straight to my favorite Folder.
  5. sideris


    Such a beautiful creature with this pure gaze! Very well done.
  6. sideris

    Painting the sky

    This is a beautiful composition, very well framed. Congratulations!
  7. sideris


    I like the way she is engaged with the camera, her stance transmits a kind of calm magnetism, and the light seems very appropriated to the concept. On the other hand, I think that the overexposed areas on her shoulders and upper chest needs a rework to avoid it. At last, she is beautiful and you've honored her beauty.
  8. sideris


    First of all, flowers aren't my thing, but... Doesn't matter which subjects you capture with your camera, flowers, buildings, streets, people, what else, you always get remarkable images (like this awesome photo) with your unmistakable signature. Excellent.
  9. sideris

    Working... 498

    With your photos one can reconstruct a perfect full paint of your city and inhabitants. Your precious collection of daily scenes becomes an invaluable document. Great!
  10. sideris


    She is a dream made of marble, the natural light on her skin seems like the perfect reflection on a renaissance sculpture, her hands drawing delicate lines on the air, her fine taille de guêpe turning to the left and her indecipherable gaze works like an irresistible gravity force crushing the mind of the observer. The background adds a lot to the romantic atmosphere she is creating for us. The way you've managed the light, I mean, her resplendent pale figure against the dark background, is a master class for me. Chapeau monsieur!
  11. sideris


    Such a fantastic creature. You have a perfect model, but your use of light and aperture control is simply great!
  12. Another gem among jewels blowing my mind. What can I say as a critique here? How can I find the exact words to express what i feel in front of this work? Yes, it comes from another world, as she comes too. Simply perfect.
  13. sideris


    A perfect title for a perfect composition. Creative, even rare, delicate, with a deep sense of aesthetics, evocative, at last, you've depicted perfectly a place where I would like to be. Chapeau! PS: it's in my Favorite Folder from a long long time ago...
  14. sideris

    Wilsal Montana

    Perfect bw conversion for a remarkable composition, the mood achieved is extraordinary, a profound perspective with a touch of drama due to the sky and those gorgeous clouds. Very well done. BTW, to my favorite folder.
  15. sideris


    Another pearl among gems. She has a special "angel" for the lens, and you've done a great work this day. Perfect light for a perfect composition.
  16. sideris

    glamour folder ..

    This astounding creation is in my Favorite Folder from the very first day you loaded it. And from this day I am trying to find the exact words to express my thoughts about it. And I can´t do it yet. The prefect composition, the color palette, the natural light coming in from the window at the left, the exact aperture control, and all those photographic stuffs seems like a lesson of high class photography done with undeniable talent, no doubts. But those are just terrenal facts. And I am talking abut emotions coming from a different dimension falling on my head like an unbearable rain. Cielo? Infierno? Ambos a la vez? The profound abyss of her sight is almost frightening, she is looking across myself, piercing my walls of stone, demolishing my poor human resistance, and the weight of her expression is too heavy to carry out on my very old shoulders. She is alive in my screen. At all, this is true photography, no other thing can produce this kind of feelings. This Image sing, talk, and whisper.
  17. sideris

    Aubrey 6-8-14 173

    This photograph is a jewel, the angle, the aperture control, use of natural light, the framing, depth, at all, everything is perfect here. Evocative mood based on a delicate feminine beauty. Such a marvel. 7 Straight to my favorite folder.
  18. sideris


    One of your best, or, perhaps your best portrait of a beautiful young woman. Marvelous use of light, and her expression is mesmerizing. Chapeau!
  19. sideris


    Extraordinaria fotografía en todo sentido, la sensación de estar dentro de la imagen es asombrosa. Muy buen proceso de revelado. Mis felicitaciones. 7
  20. sideris


    This is an out of the beaten path photo, a very personal construction with a beautiful composition. This is a challenge to the observer, because it is full of subtle details, rich and profound. The bw post process is very well done.
  21. sideris


    A beautiful classic capture under perfect light. She seems so confident, so calm and strong at the same time. I like it too much.
  22. sideris

    K. in the cabin

    A tale about a lovely ghost without face, a story about a woman writing a manuscript letter (a rare fact today), to her love? A bucolic atmosphere created with an intimate light, with meaningful shadows, a personal point of view of a piece of life. So many feelings waking up with just one bw image. Chapeau.
  23. sideris


    Thanks a lot for your kind comment. The grief, or the deep sense of loss, was the subject, and you get it. Thanks again! John Such a strong -and flattering- parallel between my image and this unforgettable work of art named "Death in Venice"! On the other hand, your reflexive last comment wake up my sediments, I mean, the fondest impulses that leads me to this series. My intention is always to dig deep and deeper inside our emotions, the mine in first place, and this joyful/painful exploration can produce a wide range of images, some valuables, some a bit of nothing. I know what are you talking about when you says "mourning de rigueur", because I am made of this indelible black stone fiber. Curiously, it was imperceptible for me meanwhile I pressed the shutter. This is my greek DNA I guess, the mystery of life persecution, the patient death waiting for us at the end of the road. Because life is an illusion, a winner playing with our hopes, a cruel joke where we are the victims, nevertheless I can't exhaust my capacity for astonishment when I see the marvelous different ways of interpretation about everything. This photo included. To Fred, for example, this work is technically based on artifices, or, if you do prefer Fred, an artifice was used in the process of creation. And this is not a minor issue, because you are pointing this fact as an important piece of the context. I guess that our points of view are the product of our unique perception of the surrounding world. Quality is not the matter here (regular one I must say) but the emotions provoked on the observer. You perceives an artifice side a side with the grief beauty, and this sensation is perfectly right beyond the subject pursued by me. But, the same "artifice" word means slightly different concepts to each one of us, and this time I must confess that I can't have an exact idea about the "artifice" meaning for you. Take it easy, perhaps this is the unavoidable consequence of my bad english language skills. Ups! I think I am digressing excessively now. Never mind, I am flattered by your attention and your time to comment on this image. Dana Your "artifice embraced" expression makes me smile, and makes my day as well, and I feel good with your words because I can see that my goal is achieved. I mean, always I try to say something to the observer (what a pretentious!). Not about the techniques or equipment, but about myself. ¿What I am talking about with this photo? And you gave me an answer. Mau I am absolutely happy with your "too much", really happy. Tante grazie amico!
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