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Posts posted by oscar_sandberg

  1. hi!


    just bought a powershot S70 in mint condition, no signs of use at all.


    there is one problem though.


    when i use it in RAW mode it registers the photos on the camera but when im done

    and connect the camera to the computer there is no photos on the CF card, why?


    it works just fine in all the other file saving modes, just not in RAW. is a

    firmware upgrade enough?


    please help me with this.


    best regards/Oscar

  2. hi everyone!


    I just found the Nikon non-ai lenses. The 85mm 1,8 HC is a lovely lens and in

    that tradition Im now looking for a 35mm f.1,4 lens and Ive found this:


    Nikon 35mm f/1.4 Nikkor-N.C Auto non-Ai.


    Is it a good lens?anyone who can attest to its picture quality?

    thorium glass?

    I shoot 95% trix, would thorium glass affect picture quality?


    any thoughts is appreciated!


    best regards/Oscar

  3. i have friends, not many but the ones i have are salt-of-the-earth kind of people.


    still wouldnt leave my film in their hands :)


    i guess im gonna have to do it in the field...ill give it some more thought and see where i land.


    thanks for all the answers!


    best regards/O

  4. hi!


    im planning to leave my homecountry and be on the move for 2-3 years. live out

    of a backpack.


    i shoot film and im looking for some input on the matter of dealing with the

    exposed film. im really picky with how i want it developed(like doing it myself)

    and i have never let anyone else develop my trix.


    do you think its an option to send the film via mail back home and developing

    when i return or is it best to get it developed as i go? im thinking of xrays

    and so on.


    best regards/oscar

  5. hi everybody!


    im shooting a lot of street and lately ive started to feel that the lenshoods

    are just in the way and are not really helping. its just making my camera more

    of an eyecatcher.


    ive tried without the hood and found that the only time i get flares are in

    direct sunligth. other experiences?


    are you using your hoods?


    i might add that im shooting with a nikkormat ft3 and primes only, prefferably 50mm.


    so, how necessary is the lenshood as an accessory?


    best regards/Oscar

  6. hi!


    the meter on my ft3 is sluggish and not working properly. i just put in a new sr44 silver oxide battery so

    the problem must lie within.

    anyone who knows about these things? is it expensive to repair? what could the problem be?

    is it a common problem on old cameras that the meter starts acting weird?


    best regards/oscar

  7. hi everybody!


    ive read about the M8 and it almost sounds to good to be true...it must be an

    amazing camera!


    Im wondering if anyone has tried it/own it? I want to hear a users voice about

    the camera!!


    anything and everything!!


    pictures is a must :)


    best to you all!

  8. hi!


    I found a nikkormat ft3 at keh.com in UG condition for 56$...anyone with

    experience with kehs rating on cameras?


    Ive heard that they are very generous on their lens ratings!


    does UG condition on cameras mean that they might be off in metering and shutter

    or is it only cosmetic?


    one more thing about the FT3...Ive looked around and in my opinion it looks a

    lot like olympus om2 control wise? any comments?



  9. hi!


    im wondering if the olympus pen EED uses regular 35mm film??


    Ive tried to google it but havent found any conclusive info on it!!


    Im posting a pic of to!


    best regards/Oscar

  10. hi!


    I own a 503cx and the CFE 80mm lens which has given me beautiful pictures but I

    now feel that I want more coverage.

    So Im looking to buy a 50mm to my 503cx and Im wondering about the different

    versions of the zeiss 50mm lens.


    is the 50mm f.4 CF FLE the best of the bunch?is it worth its price of around

    1200$ in used condition?


    is the FLE version MUCH better than the CF version?


    is the silver 50mm more bang for the buck with its price?


    those kind of thought are running around in my head...



  11. hi!


    just looking for some input on the following issue.


    im using a F3HP with the following lenses: 20mm f3,5 28mm f2,8 AIS, 50mm f1,8

    AI, and the 85mm f.2 AIS.


    as a backup ive got another F3HP body.

    the issue lies in the backup. im starting to think its a bit overkill having 2

    F3HP, they are supposedly indestructable.


    and Im looking to get some more variaty in my tools.


    I decided early that I wanted something extremely lightweight and compact and

    with AF. Im leaning towards the Ricoh GR1s(I have found one just recently in

    mint condition for 280$)


    so, should i sell my second F3HP and get the Ricoh instead?

    anyone who tried the Ricoh GR1s?

    if I stretched it I could afford the ricoh without selling the backup F3HP but I

    dont like leaving gear lying around unused. Im not a "just in case" kind of a



    all comments are welcome except the ones telling me to get a digital camera.

    different discussion all together.


    best regards/Oscar

  12. "Wide-angle lenses are able to be zone-focused and hyper-focused based on the

    depth-of-field at moderate and small apertures, so the ability to fully

    exploit this technique is important."


    above text was written by a PN member and I would love it if someone could

    explain it to me more precise??


    ( I use F3HP/trix with the 28mm f2.8 AIS and Im planning to buy the 35mm f1,4

    AIS. )



    best regards/Oscar

  13. hi!


    Ive found a 35mm f1,4 AI in mint condition for 320$.


    Is this a good price?


    What is the difference between the AI and AIS version?

    everybody is raving about the AIS but I havent heard that much about the AI



    anyone with hands on experience that would like to share their opinions on the

    AI lens?


    best regards/Oscar

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